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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Letters to editor

Letters to editor

October 11, 2016

709.1 Sexual abuse defined. Any sex act between persons is sexual abuse by either of the persons when the act is performed with the other person in any of the following circumstances:1. The act is done...

Letter to editors

Letter to editors

October 9, 2016

Clinton and abortion In the article “Planned Parenthood CEO in IC,” published on Oct. 6, it was stated that UI Students for Life member Sarah McCreary said presidential candidate Hillary Clinton...

Letter to editor: Solving infrastructure, regulatory issues

Letter to editor: Solving infrastructure, regulatory issues

October 2, 2016

It is incomprehensible that the U.S. infrastructure received a D-minus report card from the American Society for Civil Engineers. And America’s regulatory system is too complex where compliance costs...

Letter to editor

Letter to editor

September 29, 2016

Manifest confession of a Bernie or Buster A manifest confession of having been right and praying to be able to continue to rise above it:As a liberal-progressive Democrat I long ago got convinced, while...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to a crowd gathered in the Field House on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016. . Trump made a stop in Iowa City to persuade people to caucus for him next week. (The Daily Iowan/Brooklynn Kascel)

Letter to editor

September 26, 2016

Trump-istory Donald Trump has gross deficiency in political knowledge of the world and doesn’t even recognize that he does. He has projected the idea that his involvement in the Miss Universe contest...

Donald trump speaks to a room of more than a thousy and supporters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Thursday, July 28, 2016. Trump was joined by Iowa GOP members Joni Ernst, and Terry Branstad. (The Daily Iowan/Jordan Gale)

Letter to the editor

September 25, 2016

Donald the Magician The Republican candidate for president acts like a magician. He casts a spell on the media, which babble incessantly over the latest outrageous statement — until the next one comes....

Presidential nominee Donald Trump gives a speech inside Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds in Davenport on Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015. Trump has been the leader in the polls for the GOP since he announced his candidacy.

Letter to editor

September 21, 2016

The fabrication game Perhaps the single most irritating element of the 2016 presidential election is how low the bar is always set for Donald Trump in terms of being qualified to be president. When it...

Letter to editor

Letter to editor

September 18, 2016

My family is scattered around the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. However, we are all, every one of us, appalled to read the news that Kraigen Grooms was permitted to criminally molest a precious, sweet,...

Letter to editor

Letter to editor

September 14, 2016

Looking to the churches Do you realize that 1 in 4 people, which also is true of those in church pews, either have a mental illness or know someone who does? How do our pastors, church leaders, and church...

Letter to editor

Letter to editor

September 12, 2016

Thinking third this electon Many Americans believe the country is headed for big trouble because of Donald Trump’s rhetoric and Hillary Clinton’s dishonesty. We cannot vote for Trump, but can’t...

Letter to editor

Letter to editor

September 8, 2016

Improving education, improving economy Americans should be proud that over the past 10 years, growth in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers was three times as fast as growth...

Letter to editor: The Iowa thing to do

Letter to editor: The Iowa thing to do

September 5, 2016

I was talking with my mother recently about the start of the school year. She’s a seventh-grade teacher in northwest Iowa, Estherville. I’m a medical student at the University of Iowa. She and I share...