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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

State moves to lower number of traffic deaths

SCOTT RAYNOR July 23, 2009

Programs that drastically increase police presence on specific roadways increase seat-belt use in those areas — though this effect rarely lasts. Throughout the year, Iowa law enforcement conducts seven...

Search begins for IC-Chicago train depot

TYLER LYON July 23, 2009

The Iowa City-to-Chicago train will likely have its depot near the UI campus. The Johnson County Council of Governments Urbanized Area Policy Board approved a proposal that will allow Iowa City officials...

UI to run swine flu-vaccine trials


The UI is one of eight sites that will conduct a series of clinical trials on influenza vaccines, including two dealing directly with the H1N1 virus. In a series of five trials, health-care professionals...

UI to serve as backup for communication center

HOLLY HINES July 22, 2009

Officials are debating how much say the UI will have in policies regarding the new Johnson County Joint Emergency Communication Center. The UI has representation on the advisory board — which is composed...

Area wine producers get boost with appellation designation

TYLER LYON July 22, 2009

Martha’s Vineyard, Napa Valley, and Baldwin, Iowa? Tuesday, one of these things was not similar to the others. But that changes today. Effective today, the Alcohol and Tobacco and Tax Trade Bureau will...

UI team to aid NASA in quest for understanding of black holes

SCOTT RAYNOR July 22, 2009

More than 90 years after Albert Einstein predicted certain properties of black holes, NASA has hired a team of UI researchers to confirm them. The UI portion of the “GEMS” project — short for gravity...

One-shot energy drinks sales speedy, but quick boost poses risk

KATIE SIMS July 22, 2009

Caffeine is a college student’s best friend. But those who don’t have time to sip a 16-ounce cup of coffee or an 8-ounce energy drink are increasingly reaching for a product that packs the same amount...

UI Researchers: A little bit of nature, a little bit of nurture


Plato said our traits are determined by nature. Aristotle said nurture. And UI scientists now say a single explanation is impossible. Six UI researchers found genetic influences and experience are essentially...

Officials: Revised medical-journal policy will not affect UI

ADAM SALAZAR July 21, 2009

The Journal of the American Medical Association recently removed a confidentiality order related to reporting conflicts of interest in its published authors, based on a case involving a UI professor of...

UI arborist a man of the woods

TYLER LYON July 21, 2009

The early morning sun shone over the old Art Museum through the leaves of the sugar maples fortunate enough to survive the 2008 flood. However, the tree taken down by UI arborist Andy Dahl Monday wasn’t...

UI wary of emerald ash borer bug

KIF RICHMANN July 21, 2009

According to UI officials, there are 600 to 700 ash trees on the UI campus, amounting to almost 10 percent of the campus trees. And they may be at risk of falling victim to the emerald ash borer, an exotic...

Third bank robbed, preparedness stressed

ABE TEKIPPE July 21, 2009

An armed man reportedly robbed American Bank & Trust on Monday morning, becoming at least the third such incident in Johnson County this month. At 9:05 a.m., Iowa City police received a call about...