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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Kirkwood data breach drives security concern

ABE TEKIPPE June 16, 2009

In light of last week’s potential security breach at a Kirkwood office in Iowa City, UI officials said students’ and faculty’s personal information is secure on the university’s servers. At the...

Iowa near top in high-school graduation rate

SCOTT RAYNOR June 16, 2009

Around 80 percent of all Iowa high school students graduated on time in 2006 — 11 percent more than the national average, according to a study by the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center. And...

Students and toilet-scrubbing odd jobs


Dog days Two guys and a Vienna hot-dog cart sit on the intersection of Clinton and Burlington Streets. So about two weeks ago, they opened that place. Foust said the two entrepreneurs are trying to...

More full-time students also working

AMY MATTSON June 15, 2009

Recent data show the percentage of full-time students working more than 20 hours a week has doubled since 1970. But the relationship between student employment and education is complicated. And with universities...

Wrecking ball could be coming for some UI apartments

ZHANRAN ZHAO June 15, 2009

On June 12, 2008, a classmate told graduate student Erin Barnes she had to evacuate her Hawkeye Court apartment by 4 p.m. the next day. She packed her bags and left, along with all other Hawkeye Court...

North Side Iowa City looks for clear identity, financial support

ADAM SALAZAR June 15, 2009

Unused newspaper stands, an abandoned bike rack left to rust, and weeds flowering from the cracks of uneven bricks mark a part of downtown that follows a slower rhythm than its rowdy neighbor, the Pedestrian...

All TV digital? – No problem


While households around the world are experiencing the transition from analog to digital television, some forgo television altogether, preferring the Internet and DVDs instead. UI senior Megan Lisman...

Students create bike-taxi business

ADAM SALAZAR June 15, 2009

They zoom around on three wheels — not four — and it may be a bumpier ride. And the fare is, well, whatever the customer wants to pay. Cart-bearing bicycles called IC Ecocabs are Iowa City’s new...

Small Press Book Fair a success

KATIE SIMS June 12, 2009

While the publishing industry may be facing financial pressure in the current downturn, at least one segment of publishers remains optimistic. Richard Sowienski, the managing editor of The Missouri Review,...

Regents OK new animal laboratory


UI researchers will have a new underground facility to house animals after the state Board of Regents approved an indoor enclosure for $11.2 million at Thursday’s meeting. Scientists hope the new facility...

City and county officials want stricter animal laws

HOLLY HINES June 12, 2009

City and county officials and Iowa City residents agree on one thing: The current animal ordinances in place are no longer sufficient. Iowa City resident Stacey Driscoll wants a change that would allow...

Local secondhand stores riding high

CHRIS CLARK June 12, 2009

Historically, secondhand retail shops thrive during recession because of low prices. But Sheila Davisson said style keeps customers coming to her store, Revival, 117 E. College St. “It feels as though...