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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Supervisors scale back budget

DI STAFF February 26, 2010

The Johnson County Board of Supervisors agreed to cut $1.1 million from its budget for fiscal 2010, Supervisor Rod Sullivan said. The budget was around $75 million; it will be somewhere closer to $74...

Ex-student gets 30 days in Clayborn harassment

DI STAFF February 26, 2010

A former UI student has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and must pay a $625 fine for harassing a Hawkeye football player last fall, according to online courts records. Brittney Mears, 23, was charged...

Repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ vet Dan Choi says

JOSEPH BELK February 26, 2010

Army veteran and gay-rights activist Lt. Dan Choi spoke to a crowd of roughly 600 on the University of Iowa campus Thursday, advocating for the repeal of the controversial Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. “The...

State limits high-proof liquor bottle sizes

KATHRYN STINSON February 26, 2010

State officials want to limit the size of some high-proof liquor bottles and possibly require Iowans to document when they purchase them, they said in a public forum Thursday. Around 25 people attended...

Students learn poverty issues through food

MICHAEL ARRIOLA February 26, 2010

Students drew cards when they walked into the Hillcrest dining room Thursday night, determining their income level for the night and where they would sit for dinner. People ate in three areas —the floor...

Miles: Don’t look to gov’t for money

ALYSSA CASHMAN February 26, 2010

The days of plentiful government funding for higher education are long gone. State Board of Regents President David Miles emphasized this point to approximately 100 members of the Iowa City Noon Rotary...

Branstad, Culver emphasize higher ed funding

ADAM B SULLIVAN February 26, 2010

Politicians aiming to capture the governorship in November aren’t leaving students’ interests out of the picture. The incumbent Democrat and two Republicans hoping to replace him all have plans to...

More turn to hard liquor over beer

DANNY VALENTINE February 25, 2010

As the state’s No. 83 best-selling booze, Iowa liquor retailers sold 3,689 cases of Everclear 151 last year. But the notorious spirit’s pungent punch — the target of possible state restrictions...

UI houses, apartments, and duplexes popular

SAM LANE February 25, 2010

The University of Iowa serves as landlord for more than the freshman in Slater and Stanley. Much more. And in a rough economic climate, officials say their apartments and houses can offer an affordable...

Undergraduates offered more graduate-level courses

JORDAN FRIES February 25, 2010

James Alan McPherson drew stares of admiration from the 11 students in his undergraduate fiction-writing workshop on Wednesday when he shuffled into a Dey House classroom pushing a cart stocked with snacks...

Electronic Arts developer speaks with students on careers in technology

MORGAN OLSEN February 25, 2010

When Steve Seabolt graduated from the University of Iowa in 1974, the digital entertainment industry didn’t exist. Today, it’s his job. Seabolt is the vice president for global brand development for...

Spotlight Iowa City: Making Hawkeye game day run smoothly

MICHELE DANNO February 25, 2010

Paula Jantz is not a member of the Iowa football team. But every home game day, the petite 56-year-old woman joins the Hawkeyes in their tradition of tapping the bronze helmet on the Nile Kinnick statue...