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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

UISG tries wet tailgate

SAM LANE November 13, 2009

UI Student Government officials will put the phrase “drinking responsibly” to the test this weekend. Officials said they decided to serve beer at the event to show students it’s possible to drink...

Johnson County spared the ax

REGINA ZILBERMINTS November 13, 2009

Employees at the Johnson County Courthouse were spared any layoffs, though judicial-branch staff statewide wasn’t so lucky. Chief Justice Marsha Ternus announced Thursday the department would cut more...

VP search: Telling true stories

HOLLY HINES November 13, 2009

UI alumnus Jeff Iseminger described a scene of 76 trombonists parading through the campus and playing the “Iowa Fight Song” to draw people together. Iseminger, the final candidate for the position...

Building community bridges

PARKER SMITH November 13, 2009

There weren’t enough chairs to go around at the Afro American Cultural Center forum on Thursday night. Students, professors, faculty, and citizens gathered around the living room of the center, enjoyed...

Sex Offender Registry redesigned

MARLEEN LINARES November 13, 2009

The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation’s recently redesigned Sex Offender Registry website is bringing more information to community members. The site now provides e-mail notifications when an...

The problem with pets

ASHLEY OERMAN November 13, 2009

Brittany’s cat is a violation. The UI junior lives in an apartment that does not allow animals — and if her landlord finds out, she could face a hefty fine. However, if she was forced to relocate...

Spotlight Iowa City: Following a winding journey to art

TYLER LYON November 13, 2009

Exposure is key. It’s what UI senior Olivia Rendone believes about the world of art, at least. That’s why the 22-year-old worked with students at Tate High for her Honors project in the UI School...

UI eyes paper sludge as fuel

LAUREN MILLS November 12, 2009

Despite a slight odor, sludge left over from production in local paper mills could provide one green solution to coal. Marta Muilenburg, a graduate research assistant in mechanical engineering, started...

Justice official: Slavery persists

CHRIS CURTLAND November 12, 2009

When John Richmond started speaking Wednesday night for the Geneva Campus Ministries Lecture series, he opened with a question. “How many of you have met a slave?” he asked the crowd that nearly filled...

Number of UI Fulbright applicants stays flat

CHRIS CURTLAND November 12, 2009

A grim job outlook may be one factor pushing an increasing number of graduating seniors and alumni to pursue intellectual, professional, and artistic goals internationally. But despite a significant increase...

Spotlight Iowa City: Have knowledge, will travel

SHANE ERSLAND November 12, 2009

Alex Cohen takes off for a road trip at least once a week — but the excursions are hardly relaxing. UI teaching assistant Cohen, a graduate student in political science, zooms around in a rental car...

Three teens charged in home invasion

DI STAFF November 12, 2009

Iowa City police charged three teens for allegedly breaking into a residence and assaulting and robbing the residents on Monday. Loel Howieson II, 19, Lucas Pumfrey, 16, and Artis Mason III, 17, were...