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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Crowd members move out of the meeting room to walk to President Bruce Harreld's office during the Labor Center Statewide Summit in the Old Capitol Senate Chambers on Monday Dec. 3, 2018. Members of the university and the community addressed concerns over the Labor Center closure before taking their petition to Harreld's office.

UI Labor Center to remain open after regents’ vote

Katie Ann McCarver and Marissa Payne February 28, 2019

AMES — The University of Iowa Labor Center has been saved after the state Board of Regents approved the UI’s latest request to reconsider the closing on Feb. 28 with no discussion. The regents approved...

The Old Capitol is seen on Nov. 25, 2018.

Grad students continue through programs with little academic advising

Alexandra Skores, News Reporter February 27, 2019

From the moment students step on campus as undergraduates, resources, advising, and other programs are available for them, whether they arrive as an open major or in a specific field of study. For graduate...

The houses at 120/124 N. Clinton St. are seen on Wednesday. The city is razing the houses because they need maintenance for not meeting the city building code.

Board of Regents discusses razing two houses across from UI campus

Kelsey Harrell, News Reporter February 27, 2019

The University of Iowa is requesting permission to raze Iowa City houses — one of which is believed to have been home to famous UI alum and American playwright — to turn the locations into green space. The...

The Old Capitol building is seen in 2018.

UI requests regents’ approval for academic program changes

Kelsey Harrell & Katie Ann McCarver, News Reporters February 27, 2019

State Board of Regents recommends closing online business-administration program: The University of Iowa on Feb. 27 requested the state Board of Regents’ approval to close the online bachelor of business...

UISG Senator Alexia Sanchez (third from left) speaks during a UISG meeting in the IMU Black Box Theater on Tuesday, February 26, 2019.

UISG passes budget for second First-Gen Summit

Rylee Wilson, News Reporter February 27, 2019

University of Iowa Student Government senators voted on Tuesday to fund the second “I’m the First” First-Generation Summit for $18,250. UISG President Hira Mustafa had vetoed the previous attempt...

Mary Beth Tinker listens to a question during an interview at the KRUI studio on Tuesday, February 26, 2019. Mary Beth and John Tinker wore black armbands to school in protest of the Vietnam War in the 1960s, leading to the Tinker vs. Des Moines court case in 1969.

As First Amendment debate surges at UI, Tinkers push for free speech

Marissa Payne, Managing Editor February 27, 2019

How “free” should Hawkeyes be to exercise their First Amendment right of free speech? Amid campus-wide debate over free expression, the individuals at the forefront of the landmark Tinker v. Des Moines...

The Old Capitol is seen on Nov. 25, 2018.

UI reschedules workshop to explore white identity

Marissa Payne, Managing Editor February 27, 2019

The “Understanding Your Whiteness” workshop has been rescheduled after the University of Iowa announced its cancellation/postponement in January following misunderstandings about the workshop’s intent.  The...

The Old Capitol building is seen in 2018.

#DoesUIowaLoveMe? UI students ask question in social-media movement

Charles Peckman, News Reporter February 27, 2019

Students have taken to social media seeking an answer to the question: “Does the University of Iowa love me?” The #DoesUIowaLoveMe movement, which began on Instagram and Twitter, urged UI students...

Nonperishable foods are stored in shelving on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019. The newest branch of the UI Food Pantry is located in the upstairs of the LGBTQ Resource Center.

UISG passes resolution in support of West Side Food Pantry

Caleb McCullough, News Reporter February 26, 2019

The UI Student Government unanimously passed a resolution in support of the newly established West Side Food Pantry on Feb. 26. “The University of Iowa Student Government supports the efforts of...

Graduate Assistant Brady Krien poses for a portrait at the Iowa Memorial Union on Monday, February 25, 2019.

UI graduate student earns Excellence in Teaching Award

Alexandra Skores, News Reporter February 26, 2019

Braden Krien came to the University of Iowa determined to make an impact on the world around him. After his years as an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, then earning a master’s...

The Diversity Resource Center is seen in the College of Nursing Building in Iowa City on Monday, February 25, 2019. The nursing program prioritizes seven pillars of diversity to implement into their program.

UI College of Nursing works to increase diversity and cultural competency

Annie Fitzpatrick, News Reporter February 26, 2019

The understanding of cultural competency and diversity has become increasingly important in the profession of nursing in recent years, and the University of Iowa College of Nursing has taken action through...

Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg (right) is shown drones by Technology Director with Rantizo Mike Schmitz during  Gregg's visit with Rantizo in downtown Iowa City on Feb. 25, 2019. Rantizo is an agricultural start-up that uses drones to spray agrochemicals by spotting certain areas with anomalies. Lt. Governor Gregg visits with Rantizo as a part of the governor's 99 county tour. (Katie Goodale/The Daily Iowan).

Iowa City ag start-up looks to Iowa Governor’s Office for better rural internet

Emily Wangen, Politics Reporter February 26, 2019

An Iowa City company seeks to bring new technology to the fields with automated drones, but employees would like Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds to increase bandwidth in rural Iowa to help with connectivity. Automated...