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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Female-fronted band plays rock

RILEY UBBEN April 28, 2011

The powerful, fiery voice of the rock band Company of Thieves doesn’t bring to mind “Somewhere over the Rainbow.” But according to vocalist Genevieve Schatz, that’s where her music career started. “I...

Gusto Latino highlights salsa dance

LAURA WILLIS April 28, 2011

A couple swiftly dances the six-step salsa sequence to a fast-paced rhythm. They weave in and out from each other’s arms, pausing for a mere second on the fourth beat. The dance is structured but maintains...

New Play Festival presents students’ work

RYAN COLE April 28, 2011

Over the course of a week, Iowa City residents can experience the Mexican-American War, a torture-laden military prison in Afghanistan, and a Cherokee family’s journey through the antebellum American...

Q&A: Griffen Harris

DI STAFF April 28, 2011

The Daily Iowan sat down with Griffen Harris, the vocalist and guitarist of local band Chasing Shade. We spoke with him about the band’s sound, its first time in the studio, and its upcoming show. Daily...

Beer of the Week: Shiner’s Ruby Redbird

DI STAFF April 28, 2011

The taste of beer just got sweeter. The golden-orange color of Shiner’s Ruby Redbird awakens drinkers with a lemon and ginger aroma. Nicknamed the “perfect summer brew,” Ruby Redbird is mixed with...

Jennings plays IMU

DI STAFF April 28, 2011

American pop folksinger/songwriter Mason Jennings will play at 8 p.m. today in the IMU Main Lounge. The free show is sponsored by SCOPE along with the Office of Sustainability, Engineers for a Sustainable...

Furman and the Harpoons visit Mill

DI STAFF April 28, 2011

The musical styles of the Chicago-based quartet Ezra Furman and the Harpoons will play at 9 p.m. today at the Mill, 120 E. Burlington St. Admission is $10 in advance, $12 at the door. The rock and indie...

Jet Edison to perform

DI STAFF April 28, 2011

Colorado-based Jet Edison will perform with OSG at the Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., at 9 p.m. on Saturday. Admission is $6. Jet Edison members Adam Mason, Alex Johnson, Max Kabat, and Phil Johnson met...

Incarcerated women’s play makes public premiere

MAX FREUND April 21, 2011

Eight women stand shoulder to shoulder on a cold cement floor. Their voices mingle and bounce off the barren, gray walls. They are welcoming, beckoning anyone who will listen to take a ride on a train...

S&AM Awards display unconventional art

RILEY UBBEN April 21, 2011

New York artist and University of Iowa alum Sam Gassman makes sure that his annual Smithing and Arts Materials Awards push the envelope beyond what art competitions are supposed to be. That is, just far...

Pulitzer Prize winner reads novel

RYAN COLE April 21, 2011

Author Paul Harding resorted to his grandfather’s intimate stories of growing up in rural Maine when writing his latest book. The novel unfolds with the memories of an old man on his deathbed, returning...

Local poet, musician returns

ERIC HAWKINSON April 21, 2011

Much has changed for Kevin Gordon since his five-year stay in Iowa City during the ’80s. He was studying poetry at Iowa Writers’ Workshop, splitting a $300 rent check with his girlfriend, and playing...