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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Burds: Love holiday music? Listen to these

EMILY BURDS November 29, 2012

Anyone who knows me realizes I will randomly sing my beloved winter holiday tunes at anytime during the year in anticipation for the holiday season (as I know many of you secretly do). So I am now ecstatic...

Holiday Thieves’ Market returns to IMU

DI STAFF November 29, 2012

This weekend, the Holiday Thieves’ Market returns once again to the IMU. The University of Iowa Fine Arts Council will host more than 60 artists from around the country and the world from 10 a.m. to...

Powwow Social will spotlight traditions of Native American culture at IMU

EMMA MCCLATCHEY November 15, 2012

Feathers, beads, and tassels fly as powwow dancers — adorned in elaborate and brilliantly colored clothing — dance and march to the beat of a drum, accompanied by a chorus of rhythmic singing. The...

St. Lawrence String Quartet returns to Iowa City for performance and workshop

SAMANTHA GENTRY November 15, 2012

The musicians of the St. Lawrence String Quartet have two-part lives. One part of their lives includes extensive touring and playing concerts for sold-outs shows, but the other part involves teaching...

Local performers ‘activate the streets’ of downtown Iowa City

EMILY BURDS November 15, 2012

If you’re walking through the Pedestrian Mall and hear an acoustic rendition of “Staci’s Mom” or Death Cab for Cutie on the ukulele, you are probably hearing the musical creations...

Local author to share story at Prairie Lights reading

RANA MOUSTAFA November 15, 2012

Seventy-seven-year-old Iowan Ethel Barker fell in love with the history of orphan-train children in 1988 after reading an article in a magazine that she got from the Iowa State Historical Society. Since...

Stewart: Does 343 Industries fulfill Bungie’s shoes with Halo 4?

SAM STEWART November 15, 2012

When Bungie announced it would leave Microsoft to pursue other projects, the question on everyone’s mind was, “What will happen to Halo?” — the franchise that saved Xbox when it débuted...

Beer of the Week: Ayinger October Fest-Marzen

DAN VERHILLE November 15, 2012

Name: Ayinger October Fest-Marzen After a less than respectable rating for a Bavarian beer last week, I was torn between picking a redemption beer for the respected brewing region and a Thanksgiving beer...

Tony-Award winner and Grammy-nominated musician visits UI

DI STAFF November 15, 2012

Spring Awakening will run in the Theater Building’s Mabie Theater at 8 p.m. today through Saturday. The performance tonight is made special by Duncan Sheik’s visit to UI's campus. Sheik, the composer...

Local comedy group Paperback Rhino to open for Upright Citizens

DI STAFF November 15, 2012

From small group to big-time champs, Paperback Rhino — the only improv team from Iowa to ever make it to National College Improv finals and ranked 13th among college-level teams in the United States...

Theater Group explores the effects of Alzheimer’s disease on communities

DI STAFF November 15, 2012

A connection between artist and audience through the collaboration of ideas and talents can be experienced at Working Group Theater’s Was the Word at 7 p.m. Nov. 18. Martin Andrews said each monthly...

Brazilian musician to appear at the Mill

DI STAFF November 15, 2012

Brazilian musical artist Roberto Sion will bring his passion, joy, and soothing jazz to the Mill this week. He is known for his music capabilities on the saxophone, flute, and clarinet as well as his influence...