As of Monday afternoon, the Iowa City Police Department identified a possible witness to a stabbing that occurred Saturday afternoon under the Benton Street Bridge south of Kinnick Stadium. According to police, the Iowa City police can only charge Williams at this time, and finding the witness would be paramount to making a conviction.
The suspect, Iowa City resident Yossarian Williams, 47, was arrested on Saturday at 1:28 p.m., eight minutes after the police reported the stabbing took place.

Iowa City police said the witness is described as a white or Hispanic man with a long beard, wearing blue clothes, and carrying a blue backpack.
ICPD has not released information regarding the victim’s status, but the suspect has been charged with willful injury causing serious injury, which is defined in Iowa law as any person committing an unjustified act that is intended to cause serious injury to another person.
According to Iowa law, if there is serious injury resulting from the act, then it is a class C Felony and therefore punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
ICPD is asking anyone with information regarding the witness or the stabbing to contact Detective Cade Burma at 319-356-5441 or through the email address