How LED display panels can increase sales in shopping malls

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Shopping centers are locations that attract a large number of potential customers. The employment of LED screen panels has become a crucial aspect, serving as one of the most efficient methods to promote products and services.

Capturing the public’s interest is paramount to a successful sale, and big led screens are an exceptional method for doing just that.

Additionally, these cutting-edge digital technologies have the potential to decrease electricity usage by a staggering 80% to 90% while simultaneously increasing your earnings.

Here are some tips for increasing sales by incorporating LED technology.

  1. Visual attraction: The vibrant hues and dynamic displays of screens can enhance a brand’s appeal and attract a larger audience. A LED video wall is the perfect addition to any shopping mall, as its grandiose size is sure to catch the eye of any passerby.
  2. Effective advertising: Effective advertising offers support through various audiovisual formats, including sounds, texts, graphics, animations, and web content. Merchants can now promote their products and services in real-time, enabling them to directly connect with their intended audience.
  3. Flexibility and update: Merchants can now promote their products and services in real-time, allowing them to reach their target audience more directly.
  4. Better customer experience: Indoor LED screens offer a superior customer experience by providing visitors with interactive maps of the shopping center, directories, campaigns, and other events.
  5. Better customer experience: Incorporating digital signage to enhance communication is a highly effective strategy for customers to quickly check the availability of products.
  6. Monitor retail metrics: Using LED walls with points of sale is a savvy way to keep tabs on retail metrics. By doing so, businesses can effectively track their return on investment by analyzing the number of transactions and the average value of customer consumption.

Design effective strategies with this technology

  1. Definir objetivos: el lanzamiento de un nuevo producto o servicio, aumentar las ventas o inaugurar un local, son eventos donde el uso de las pantallas digitales producirán mayor impacto.
  2. Segmentar el público: mediante el análisis de los perfiles e intereses. Pudiendo anticipar cual es el tiempo de atención que tiene el buyer persona, y comprendiendo que el contenido reproducido en los displays deberá captar rapidamente la atención según las cualidades de edad, sexo e intereses.
  3. Compartir contenido multimedia dinámico y personalizado: imágenes, videos, animaciones y mensajes que destaquen los productos en plataformas digitales.
  4. Programar horarios y rotación de anuncios en las pantallas: controlar la reproducción del contenido en función del horario y el flujo de personas.
  5. Optimizar la ubicación y el tamaño de los paneles mediante la colocación de las pantallas LED en lugares estratégicos del centro comercial donde haya un alto tráfico de personas.
  6. Medir y evaluar el impacto, conociendo la respuesta de los clientes, el tiempo de exposición ante las pantallas, las interacciones y reacciones, permitirá realizar ajustes en las estrategias de comercialización.

Design effective strategies with this technology

  1. Define objectives: Digital screens can have a significant impact at events such as product or service launches, sales increases, or store inaugurations. Establish goals is crucial, and utilizing digital screens can be a powerful tool to achieve them.
  2. Analyze profiles and interests to segment the public. Knowing how to read the room and gauge the attention span of the target audience is key. It’s important to create content that grabs their attention right away, taking into account factors like age, gender, and interests.
  3. Utilize dynamic and personalized multimedia content such as images, videos, animations, and messages to showcase products on digital platforms.
  4. Manage the scheduling and rotation of ads on screens. Control content playback according to predetermined schedules and foot traffic flow
  5. Big LED displays should be strategically placed in high-traffic areas of the shopping center to optimize panel location and size.
  6. Measuring and evaluating the impact is crucial for effective marketing strategies. Understanding client response, exposure time on screens, and interactions/reactions is key. These insights allow for necessary adjustments to be made.

LED panels to improve your sales

All around the globe, there’s a major revolution going on with the advent of LED tech being used in advertising displays. Malls or shopping centers are no different, yo.
Major players, along with mom-and-pop shops, aim to shake things up in how they showcase their merchandise to the masses.

Due to the digital revolution, it’s been proven that folks are totally cool with checking out animated pics or quick vids of products before buying them. This was all due to the surge in ecommerce and digital marketing on social media platforms.

We can totally transfer this dope experience of consumers when they hit up a shopping mall, where they can peep featured products and offers in LED displays for retail shops in a super impressive and dynamic way.

To get a clearer picture of the aforementioned, a report by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) disclosed that 85% of folks who caught a glimpse of a commercial on a digital screen felt inclined to make the purchase, and 45% of this cohort deemed this form of advertising perfect for showcasing exclusive deals and promotions.

Some examples of the use of this technology to promote products within shopping malls are:

    Regarding this brand, this type of display was integrated as a marketing tactic. This totally boosted the brand’s visibility and reinforced its signature image of luxury and sophistication, showcasing the class and glam of a corporation like this.
  • NIKE:
    A new line of customized products was unveiled by this brand. Nike has recently unveiled its latest product, the Nike Dunk High By You, which incorporates cutting-edge LED technology. This innovative feature is aimed at capturing the attention of urban fashion enthusiasts and potential customers alike.
  • APPLE:
    In the case of the manzanita brand (apple), they exhibited the impressive iPhone 14 and 14 Pro Max on LED display panels, highlighting their features and the elegant design of these phones, drawing the attention of viewers.

Because of this, it is quite vital to select the most reliable provider of LED video walls.

By making an investment in this technology, you will be able to surprise the audience and leave an impression not just of the products being promoted but also of the company itself.

Success stories

  • LED walls have helped the American Dreams megamall become one of New Jersey’s most popular tourist destinations.
  • The US LED lighting market is expected to account for over 90% of sales by 2030, and are now increasingly being used to increase visual and emotional appeal to consumers.
  • According to data from Mordor Intelligence, North America is the largest market for the usage of Out-of-Home (OOH) LED screens for digital advertising, and for the years 2023 to 2028, the average annual growth rate will rise by 15.2%

LED screen suppliers with vast experience in the market offer customers the opportunity to access cutting-edge and high-quality equipment for both rental and purchase. This technology is essential for the shopping center market as it enables brands to showcase their products, promotions, events, and other offerings on these screens, thereby maximizing their potential.

Led Nation and similar companies offer a range of services to complement the purchase of your equipment. These services can help showcase your brand and attract new customers, providing added value to your investment.