11 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism For Weight-Loss

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Declining metabolism could cause several illnesses. But how does the metabolism decline, and how could it be reversed? You can find the answer to these queries in this write-up.
Before that, let us try to understand what exactly metabolism is, so that essential things are out of the way.

Metabolism could be referred to as all the chemical reactions occurring inside an individual to keep themselves functioning. But, in general, metabolism could be considered the number of calories burnt while resting. Hence, you may say that people with a high metabolism burn higher calories while relaxing and vice versa.

An individual’s metabolism may fluctuate based on age, body size, health condition, etc. But you may bring it back to normal by adopting a few fundamental changes in your lifestyle. Following are some points that may help you speed up your metabolism.

Boost Your Metabolism With These 11 Natural Ways

1. Add Extra Proteins To Your Diet

It’s the food that may help you boost your metabolism. Eating healthy and nutritious food may help you grow your metabolism temporarily. Hence, people consider consuming additional calories, including plenty of protein.
Generally, eating food increases the thermic effect of food (TEF). The rise could be due to the requirement of additional calories to process the consumed food. Here, protein consumption could cause the highest spike in the thermic effect of food and may also help burn extra calories. It is believed that protein may spend up to 25% of its usable energy for metabolism, while other nutrients like carbohydrates and fats may spend around 0-10% of its usable energy.

Protein consumption may prevent a significant drop in metabolism, especially during fat loss. Additionally, proteins may keep you full for longer, preventing you from overeating.

2. Heavy Weight Lifting Could Be Effective

You would be surprised to know that people doing resistance training have the highest metabolism in most cases. Resistance training, like weightlifting, is believed to help burn the highest calories compared to all other physical activities.
Heavy weight lifting could allow for building muscles quickly, which may help to boost an individual’s metabolism. Several studies have proven that heavy workouts may burn excessive calories even during rest hours. Moreover, these physical activities may help prevent muscle loss and a drop in metabolism.

One could also observe that people doing resistance training have a better muscle-fat ratio in the body. It may also help reduce total body fat mass and belly fat. According to ReviewJournal, effective diet pills can also support your weight-lifting journey during your diet days. It would help you to give your hundred percent.

3. Eating Spices May Help Increase Metabolism

Eating spices could be a crazy hack to increase metabolism, but they may significantly impact the metabolism. Generally, spices like peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, linked to boosting an individual’s metabolism. Several experts suggest that people eating spices may slightly enhance their calorie-burning abilities. Moreover, people must consume spices over a specific dose to get the desired results. But, it would be hard for anyone to consume and tolerate the prescribed or suggested amount of spices as it may lead to specific side effects. Hence, it would be difficult to rely on spices alone to boost metabolism as it puts a minimum impact on the overall metabolism. You may consider adding spices to other metabolism-boosting techniques to increase the effects.

4. Micronutrients Also Play A Role In Boosting Metabolism

Micronutrients are crucial for regulating several metabolic activities in the body. The drop in an individual’s metabolism could be due to a lack of essential metabolism. Hence, supplying yourself with the required micronutrients could be beneficial in elevating the metabolism.
You may consider consuming foods with essential micronutrients like manganese, selenium, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin D, B vitamins, etc., to speed up the metabolism. These micronutrients may have different roles that combinedly work to boost the metabolism. For example, Vitamin D could promote bone health and insulin control and improve immune function. On the other hand, magnesium and selenium may enhance insulin sensitivity and glucose absorption.

5. Consider Eating A Metabolism-Friendly Breakfast

Shifting to a healthy breakfast plan could be a beneficial way to speed up an individual’s metabolism. As you may know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day; hence, eating healthy and nutrient-rich food in the morning may significantly help improve metabolism.
In the morning, you might want to consider eating plenty of nutrient-rich food like cereals, oats, eggs, bananas, etc., to improve your metabolic activities. Moreover, adding different nutrients in optimum amounts, like proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, trace elements, etc., may prevent you from starving during the day.

According to ChoicesInChildbirth.org, provitalize pills could also help boost metabolism and weight loss. However, it is always better to consider natural methods like gulping small portions of protein-rich food to keep your metabolism high throughout the day.

6. Eat Sufficient Calories

While thinking of speeding up the metabolism, never fear taking up calories. Your body requires sufficient energy to keep the metabolism high; hence, supplying ample calories is essential to meet the body’s energy requirements.

Generally, people seeking to lose weight prefer to skip meals or cut off their diet. On the other hand, some people eat an unhealthy and less nutritious diet to meet their daily calorie needs. But, in both cases, they hurt their overall metabolism. Studies have shown that people who consume fewer calories significantly lower their metabolism as the body may enter an energy conservation mode. Hence, focusing on a healthy and calorie-rich diet would be essential to keep the metabolism high.

7. Drink Plenty Of Water

Water is one of the best beverages for an instant energy boost and speeding up metabolism. Experts suggest that people who drink sufficient water every day temporarily boost their metabolism and show the highest efficiency at their work.
Water could be an alternative to sugary beverages for people looking to lose weight. Generally, water is a low-calorie beverage that reduces an individual’s sugar or carbohydrate intake; hence, it helps maintain a calorie deficit in the body. People drinking a glass of water at regular intervals may not feel hungry, often lowering an individual’s food intake. Additionally, the minerals and ions present in the water may help speed up the body’s metabolic activity.

8. Focus To Stand Up Often

Standing up isn’t a big task for a normal human. People looking to speed up their metabolism may consider standing up more. Standing up or walking around frequently could allow your body to burn calories faster and excessively, which may positively impact your metabolism. People involved in desk jobs or jobs that demand continuous hours of sitting must stand up at regular intervals or walk around to keep themselves active and burn calories.

Moreover, people preferring to walk or stand up have shown significant improvement in several metabolic activities and health conditions like cholesterol levels, heart rate, insulin resistance, etc. Some surveys have also revealed that frequent standing up has lowered the participants’ cardiometabolic risk (CMR) scores.

9. Good Sleep At Night Is Essential

You might wonder how a good night’s sleep could help enhance metabolism. But, studies have shown that people sleeping sufficient hours at night may wake up with the highest metabolism.

Moreover, sleep deprivation at night may increase the risk of obesity which would hurt metabolism. The lack of sleep may enhance the risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to increased blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.

Some surveys have suggested that lack of sleep may result in increased hunger due to a hormone, ghrelin. Sleep deprivation may also limit the release of the hormone leptin, responsible for the feeling of fullness. Hence, there is a high chance that getting sufficient sleep at night keeps the hormone levels balanced and the metabolism boosted.

10. Try Reducing Stress

Stress could be another potential cause of low metabolism. The body may release multiple hormones like epinephrine and cortisol whenever an individual comes under physical or emotional stress. Here, cortisol is responsible for improving the metabolism by supplying the stored energy in the body resulting in increased hunger. Hence, you may start overeating under these circumstances.

So, your focus needs to be on reducing stress to avoid using stored energy and nutrients to burn calories. Overeating may lead to weight gain that would lower an individual’s metabolism. Moreover, stress could also create a hormonal imbalance in the body that may impact an individual’s metabolism.

11. Green Tea May Speed Up Metabolism

Green tea is a medicinal beverage with several health benefits. It is believed that green tea increases energy expenditure resulting in increased calorie burn in the body.
Additionally, green tea contains caffeine in small amounts that may play a role in speeding up the metabolism. The caffeine and catechin stimulate the nervous system that induces thermogenic reactions and fat oxidation in the body resulting in increased metabolism.


Slow metabolism need not be a concern for anyone as one could reverse slow metabolism by making small lifestyle and nutritional changes. You may consider implementing the above tips and ideas to speed up your metabolism. But, it would help if you implement multiple tips to observe a significant difference. If the slow metabolism persists, you must contact any healthcare specialist to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.