
Chris Klepach, Opinions Columnist

Lifetime leisure skills courses at the University of Iowa are too beneficial for students to miss out on. 

Many of the classes provide practical knowledge on activities that go beyond the confines of a classroom. 

Team-building is a course designed to give enrolled students insight into what good teamwork looks like. Cooperative group games, physical obstacles, and team challenges are examples of what the class does to create team-building skills.

The course also teaches students to use that knowledge in aspects of their own life, socially, or on the job.

From the perspective of an employer, team building is a foundational tool, as 69 percent of managers say they are generally uncomfortable communicating with their employees. Team building enables employees to find their own strengths and encourages approachability of those in managerial roles. 

Team-building skills and exercises ensure better communication and interwork relations. 

If we make lifetime leisure skills classes mandatory, there are classes on the table that are far more approachable. Gardening: Designing Edible Forests organizes field trips to small residential sites where students learn to create a self-watering landscape in an ethical way. Only organic methods are used for managing weeds and pests. 

Having a relaxing classroom environment is much needed, as nearly 79 percent of UI undergraduate students reported a moderate or high stress level during the 2020-21 academic year. Lifetime leisure skills classes teach valuable lessons to students that can be used in the real world and can enrich their experience at the UI.

Overall, mandatory lifetime leisure skills classes would provide an invaluable resource for a student to broaden their horizons beyond a cubicle.