Rep. Dave Loebsack endorses Joe Biden, joining Iowa’s two other Democratic members of Congress

Rep. Dave Loebsack endorsed Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination on Thursday, joining a slew of party members in rallying behind the former Vice President in the days after Biden’s strong showing on Super Tuesday.

Nick Rohlman

Congressman Dave Loebsack (Iowa-2) speaks during the Progress Iowa Corn Feed in Bondurant Iowa on Sunday, Sep. 16, 2018. The event featured a variety of local and national democratic politicians who spoke on how Democrats can work together leading up to the midterm elections.

Julia Shanahan, Politics Editor

Rep. Dave Loebsack endorsed Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday, joining the other two Democratic members of Iowa’s congressional delegation.

Iowa Congresswomen Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer both endorsed Biden in January.

Loebsack said in a press release that President Trump has ignored the concerns of working class families in limiting access of health-care coverage, making trade difficult for farmers with China, and implementing tax cuts that benefit wealthy families.

“Whether it’s building on the Affordable Care Act through the creation of a public option, tackling climate change, taking on the NRA, or revitalizing rural communities, Vice President Biden won’t just fight for middle class Americans – he will get things done on their behalf,” Loebsack said in the press release.

The seven-term congressman of Iowa’s 2nd district previously endorsed former candidate Pete Buttigieg three weeks before the Iowa caucuses. Loebsack said in the January press release that Buttigieg offered a “new kind of leadership that we desperately need.”

RELATED: Rep. Dave Loebsack endorses Pete Buttigieg three weeks before the Iowa caucuses

The former South Bend, Indiana Mayor dropped out of the race two days before Super Tuesday, after a loss in momentum in the last two early-voting states due to his struggle to gain support from communities of color.

Biden has picked up endorsements from many former presidential hopefuls, including Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Andrew Yang, and Beto O’Rourke. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders remains in the race, but Biden won the most support on Super Tuesday and in the primary states that have so far voted after.