Audio books are an easy, yet exciting way to read

Austin J. Yertington, Opinions Columnist

As an English major, I read a lot. Like a lot a lot. So when it comes to cramming in a whole book in a matter of a day or two, audio books are a great way finish that task while also doing other day-to-day activities.

Audio books are an easy way to get through many chapters in each sitting and can also offer a thrilling experience. Many audio books are read aloud by A-list celebrities or even the authors themselves.

These exciting recordings can add a certain flair and understanding that may be lost on a reader if they simply read the words on the page. There’s something about a dramatic reading that really packs a punch.

A prime example of a unique audio recording is World War Z by Max Brooks. This book is a collection of fictional interviews with people after a defeated zombie apocalypse. It lends itself to an amazing recording because it has great A-list actors reading the interviews, such as Mark Hamill, Common, and award-winning film director Martin Scorsese.

This way of experiencing literature is an excellent way of passing the time on long drives as well. With a couple hundred-mile drive, hearing audio books such as The Lord of the Rings may be a welcome distraction.

Audio books should not be dismissed as a poor way to read novels. In addition to listening to them in tandem with daily chores, they’re also a great option that can help individuals with visual or learning disabilities.  Overall, they’re a great option.