Authorities have accused a Swisher, Iowa, man of seven crimes.
Scott Colebank, 49, was charged Nov. 6 with assault on persons in certain occupations, disorderly conduct, interference of official acts, fourth-degree criminal mischief, second-degree harassment, third and subsequent public intoxication, and first-offense trespassing.
According to the arrest affidavit, Colebank was seen drinking from a beer can at the UI Hospitals and Clinics. When later tested, the affidavit said, Colebank had a blood-alcohol content of .280. Colebank has prior public-intoxication arrests, one in May and one in June.
Colebank was speaking with a person, a physician at the hospital, about medical options when he told the physician, “I’m going to start killing people, and I’m starting with you,” the affidavit said.
The physician told Colebank he felt threatened and did not allow him into the emergency-treatment facility, continuing Colebank’s exam in the prescence of two police officers and three security guards.
While being treated, the affidavit said, Colebank kept yelling at police officers, a receptionist, and a physician. While this occurred, numerous people in the waiting room were uncomfortable, the affidavit said. One waiting patient said she had chest pains during the outburst, the affidavit said, and a mother and her baby were taken away from the waiting room after expressing worry.
Police were originally called to the hospital because of Colebank’s drunkenness causing trouble, and officers felt annoyed and alarmed by him, the affidavit said. Colebank’s statements directed to officers were caught on camera.
The affidavit listed some of the statements Colebank directed at officers, including, “I’ll take your gun from you,” “I’m going to beat your a** like a red-headed step-child,” “You better watch out for me mother f*****,” “You better never let me out,” and “You’re f****** going to get it, pal.”
After his exam, he was put under arrest, the affidavit said, and Colebank asked the receptionist if he should fight. When he did not get out of his seat when asked by an officer, two officers had to lift him.
Colebank then resisted being handcuffed, the affidavit said, and he tried unsuccessfully to kick officers. He was handcuffed after two police officers and two security guards took him to the ground and restrained him.
During the struggle an officer’s body camera fell off his uniform, and it is now damaged.
The affidavit stated one officer said he feels his safety is threatened when Colebank is released from jail.
— Kayli Reese