A student attending the University of Iowa will normally be required to take only a rhetoric class and gen-eds.
However, for most international students, they have to complete an additional program.
The English Second Language is a curriculum that consists of several classes including building speaking skills, listening skills, and writing skills.
International students must go through the program if they don’t pass the english proficiency test they take before coming to college.
UI student Cosmos Wang did not like the feeling of having to take ESL classes.
“I actually don’t like that feeling because I was forced to take that class, and school says they want me to improve my english skills, but I think there are a lot of new ways to do that.”
The English as a Second Language Programs Director Maureen Burke believes students need to view these classes with a positive outlook.
“These classes aren’t a punishment, they’re supposed to help them, and while they might not see that benefit right away, hopefully they’ll see it as they begin to apply these skills,” Burke said.
UI student Younjae Kim is one of the students who felt the ESL classes were beneficial.
“Since English is not my first language, it helped me a lot,” she said.
Reporting here from the English Second Language office at the Old Capitol building, Ethan Gutstein, Daily Iowan TV.