Ryan Jansa, a Shueyville, Iowa, man, was found unconscious in an alley behind the Union Bar, 121 E. College St., early on the morning of May 14 with severe injuries to his head and neck.
The 24-year-old is in a medically induced coma at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, where he underwent two brain surgeries on May 14, family members said.
According to reports, Jansa was in Iowa City on the evening of May 13 for graduation weekend, and his friends last saw him talking to a woman outside the Field House Bar, 124 S. Dubuque St, at around 1:30 a.m. May 14.
Family members say Jansa sustained a fractured neck and wrist as well as some bumps and bruises, and that part of his skull was removed to relieve the pressure on his brain.
Iowa City police Lt. Mike Brotherton said police are talking to family members and studying Jansa’s cell-phone records for leads.
“We’re trying to figure out whom he was talking to or texting, and we’ll eventually talk to those people,” Brotherton said.
At this time, Iowa City police said, they have no evidence that a crime was committed.
“It’s possible that something happened to him,” Brotherton said. “But it’s also possible that he tripped and fell somehow.”
Police encourage people with relevant information to contact them at 319-356-5275. No one has come forward with any information yet, Brotherton said.
Stay with The Daily Iowan as this story develops.