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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Correct strategy, not just increased numbers, needed to combat alcohol-related violence

DI EDITORIAL BOARD August 25, 2009

Students aren’t the only group returning to downtown in large numbers this fall. Police officers will also be there to ticket people for underage drinking, arrest them for public intoxication, and, hopefully,...

Dogged laughter

BEAU ELLIOT August 25, 2009

Some August, huh? Who knew that death panels were staked out in every corner of the land, drooling that hideous socialist spittle and itching to kill grandma and Sarah Palin’s child? (Who knew this...

Lax gun laws, extremism put the country at risk


In New Hampshire and Arizona, men openly packing guns came to an event where the president was speaking. In Arizona, one man brandished an assault rifle, a rifle designed for only one thing: killing human...

Free bus route to mall symbolic, offers opportunities

DI EDITORIAL BOARD August 24, 2009

As UI officials continue in their attempts to combat underage drinking, one recent move might add a fun and easy way to do just that. This fall, the university has paired with the Coralville Transit System...

Busting health-care myths

JUSTIN SUGG August 24, 2009

Irrational rage and political fearmongering have drowned out the voices of truth and reason in America’s health-care debate. What was once a civilized discussion now resembles downtown Iowa City after...

Wrong messages have plagued Obama’s health reform

In order to diagnose what ails President Obama’s push for health-care reform, we need less heated rhetoric and more Cool Hand Luke. In a memorable line from the 1967 film, a prison warden surmises:...

Attempt to ban bikers is misguided, lacks foresight

DI EDITORIAL BOARD August 21, 2009

While Iowa City leaders have been attempting to make Iowa City more biker friendly — and rightly so — one Iowa group is looking to do exactly the opposite. Citing safety concerns, the Citizens for...

Consumerism Galore — the free-market or over-indulgent consumers?


I stand in the aisle of the local store slightly overwhelmed with the plethora of choices available to me. I count 15 separate shampoo brands and just as many hair conditioners, not to mention the hair...

Misperceptions and lack of city-wide community contribute to South Side violence

DI EDITORIAL BOARD August 20, 2009

The owners of Los Cocos bar announced last week they would close its doors. The decision to shutter the bar followed the latest in a series of shooting incidents outside the establishment. The bar, formerly...

Healthcare reform: What’s in it for young people?

SIMEON TALLEY August 20, 2009

The debate taking place over health-care reform has riled up both the left and the right. Screaming matches at town halls, hanging effigies outside of congressional offices, and accusations of euthanasia...

Health-care system overhaul unnecessary


The health reform proposal by President Obama has spurred a national debate over the issue. As we know, America is famous for its skyrocketing health-care costs and leaving tens of millions of Americans...

Starbucks wiggles into the not-so-mainstream


Coffee used to be about consumption. It wasn’t supposed to taste very good and was often freeze-dried. I remember my introduction to the beverage that would become my livelihood: My parents laughed as...