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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Voters wait to vote at the University of Iowa Library.

Opinion: Voter suppression should be a top target of Iowa Democrats

Becca Bright, Columnist February 16, 2020

February is the shortest month of the year. It’s also a month where American history is measured by what has been accomplished, and what is yet to be achieved. The first four presidential caucuses...

Opinion: Media conglomerates wield too much influence and reduce diversity

Opinion: Media conglomerates wield too much influence and reduce diversity

Peyton Downing, Columnist February 16, 2020

Whether it’s the newest Netflix special, local news, or the latest blockbuster to hit theaters — everyone watches something. And with current trends, those might be all anyone gets to watch. Personally,...

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks during a rally against child poverty on April 9, 2017, in Los Angeles, Calif.

Opinion: How our politicians talk to each other matters

Ally Pronina, Columnist February 16, 2020

Our politicians need a refresher on the Golden Rule. Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped the president’s speech during the State of the Union address. Some might say it’s not a big deal because that’s...

The Roy J. & Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine is seen on Monday, November 18, 2019.

Opinion: Here’s what the media can do a lot to portray mental illness better

Ally Pronina, Columnist February 13, 2020

It’s not a secret that media doesn’t cover mental illness well. From sensationalized news coverage of addiction to the glorified suicide in 13 Reasons Why, there’s a real need for the industry...

A bouquet of roses is seen at Beno's Flowers and Gifts on February 12, 2019.

Opinion: It’s OK not to have big plans for Valentine’s Day

Signe Nettum, Columnist February 12, 2020

In elementary school, I decorated a brown paper bag in the hope of earning the most valentines from my classmates. The best-decorated bag usually earned the most pieces of paper with your name and a...

Netflix's new Taylor Swift documentary, "Miss Americana," depicts a process of overcoming that has quickly become the default narrative in a growing field of pop-star documentaries.

Opinion: Taylor Swift’s new documentary calls for more societal compassion

Emily Creery, Contributor February 12, 2020

Despite the worst six days of my life when I thought I would look good as a blonde, I’m not Taylor Swift. But after watching her recently released Netflix documentary Miss Americana, I realized that...

University of Iowa students form lines during the caucus at the Iowa Memorial Union on Feb. 3.

Opinion: How to stay involved after the caucus chaos

Kalen McCain, Columnist February 11, 2020

A week after the caucuses, two temptations arose for Iowa caucusgoers. One was the ease of bashing the caucus process and jumping into the melee on whether the events of Feb. 3 were a fluke or a symptom...

Julia Reichert, left, Lindsay Utz, Steven Bognar, Jeff Reichert and Julie Parker Benello accept the Documentary - Feature - award for 'American Factory' onstage during the 92nd Annual Academy Awards at Dolby Theatre on February 09, 2020 in Hollywood, California.

Opinion: Keep politics out of the Oscars and appreciate the art

Riley Moore, Columnist February 11, 2020

Attendees at the 2020 Academy Awards spewed sanctimonious speeches nearly every time the chance allowed. Permit 45 seconds for speech, mix the wielding of a golden trophy, a splash of political jargon,...

Opinion: My experience with congenital heart disease

Opinion: My experience with congenital heart disease

Ally Prinona, Columnist February 11, 2020

What comes to mind when hearing “congenital heart defect”? Most people probably have no idea what congenital means. As someone who has this condition, I know the word means present since birth.  February...

Republican caucus at West High, count up the votes for pricints 7, 8, and 9 on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012. Mitt Romney won, with 98 votes.

Opinion: The 2020 caucuses were bad, but 2012 was even worse

Jason O'Day, Columnist February 10, 2020

The Iowa Democratic Party, led by Chairman Troy Price, has received a great deal of criticism than it actually deserves for its botched caucus job Monday night.  As a staunchly conservative Republican,...

HOLLYWOOD,  CA – February 9, 2020: Bong Joon Ho, winner of the director Oscar and international feature Oscar for "Parasite" at the Academy Awards Governors Ball on Sunday, February 9, 2020 at the Dolby Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center in Hollywood, CA. 

Opinion: The anonymity of the Academy Awards is elitist

Becca Bright, Columnist February 10, 2020

“And the Oscar goes to… Parasite.” I shrieked loudly at my laptop screen in total joy. The Dolby Theater roared. I watched as South Korean director Bong Joon Ho ascended to the stage to receive...

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, addresses supporters at his rally at the Coralville Marriott Hotel and Conference Center on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2019. Sen. Sanders and Rep. Osasio-Cortez spoke on climate change and women’s rights.

Opinion: A contentious primary is a good thing for the eventual Democratic nominee

Peyton Downing, Columnist February 10, 2020

With the Iowa caucuses come and gone, the end of the Democratic presidential-nomination race is in sight. With Democrats finally deciding who they actually support in the primary, the online sphere has...