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The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Catlett Residence Hall is seen on Jan 16, 2019.

Opinion: Residence hall custodians deserve to be treated better

Mariana Garces, Columnist October 24, 2019

I was heading to the showers in the hall of my floor in Catlett Hall last week, and I noticed that a custodian was cleaning my showers. As I approached the bathrooms with my towel and shower caddy, the...

The outside of the UI Student Disability Services office is seen on Wednesday, June 5, 2019. The office is located in the basement of Burge Hall.

Opinion: The correct terminology around disabilities matters

Ally Pronina, Columnist October 24, 2019

Is it “people with disabilities” or “disabled people”? To someone without a disability, these may sound exactly the same. To people who have disabilities, your choice of wording makes all the difference...

The Pentacrest in Iowa City on Friday, Sept. 7, 2012.

Opinion: The Pentacrest needs more trash cans

Mariana Garces, Columnist October 23, 2019

I am a member of SCOPE, the student organization in charge of setting up the Homecoming concert. The concert took place in front of the Old Capitol facing toward the Pedestrian Mall. While helping set...

People walk around downtown on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017.

Opinion: It’s good for UI students to get out of Iowa City

Becca Bright, Columnist October 23, 2019

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself in a bad state of restlessness. I needed to get away from Iowa City. Every day had become a routine: doing midterm-prep in the same cafes drinking the same kind of...

President Donald Trump pauses during a speech at the Iowa GOP's America First Dinner at the Ron Pearson Center in West Des Moines on June 11, 2019.

Opinion: 2020 hopefuls need nuance on trade to win Iowa

Kalen McCain, Columnist October 23, 2019

Iowa has a hand in world affairs because of its role as an international breadbasket. As a result, Iowans have a high incentive to focus on international politics, which has brought some trouble for President...

Kim Reynolds talks at Hy-Vee in Coralville during her 99 Counties tour on Thursday, April 5, 2018.

Opinion: Group to focus on criminal-justice reform is a good move by Reynolds

Taylor Newby, Columnist October 22, 2019

Last week, Gov. Kim Reynolds announced the formation of the Governor’s Working Group on Criminal Justice Reform. The formation of the group is in response to Reynolds’ efforts to reduce criminal activity...

Zazie Beetz, left, and Natalie Portman plays professional and romantic rivals in “Lucy in the Sky.” MUST CREDIT: Fox Searchlight Pictures

Opinion: Outer space is no limit for misogyny

Emily Creery, Columnist October 22, 2019

I reached my apartment in record time after leaving the theater — having power walked with some serious girl anthems — because the last quarter of Lucy in the Sky left me fuming, teary-eyed, and inspired....

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as seen on Sept. 17, 2018.

Opinion: Health-care freedom is better than free health care

Jason O'Day, Columnist October 21, 2019

Health care comprises 18 percent of the overall American economy, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Health care is also a pillar of Iowa City’s economy with the University...

Renee Zellweger stars as Judy Garland in "Judy."

Opinion: Judy Garland strays from “Oz” under the abuse of powerful men

Emily Creery, Columnist October 20, 2019

Seeing Judy Garland back on the big screen was nostalgic, but both she and the audience take a sharp detour from the wonder and hope of the yellow brick road. By focusing on her infamous performances...

Margo O'Neill addresses the crowd during a transgender rights rally on the Pentacrest on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018. Protesters gathered to promote rights in light of the upcoming elections.

Opinion: Trans-rights case proves America has a way to go on equality

Peyton Downing, Columnist October 20, 2019

Ever since the Stonewall riots in 1969, LGBTQ rights have made significant headway in America. But there is still much work to be done, and nowhere is this clearer than a case that reached the Supreme...

The University of Iowa Library is seen on Monday, June 17, 2019.

Opinion: The Main Library should extend laptop-charger loans

Becca Bright, Columnist October 17, 2019

Forgetting or losing a laptop charger is more than groan-worthy. You finally sit down in your spot in the Main Library. Coffee? Check. Notebook? Got it. You open your laptop, but the screen remains dark....

Protestors fill the intersection of Iowa Ave and Dubuque St. to hear Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg speak at the Iowa City Climate Strike in downtown Iowa City on Friday, Oct. 4, 2019.

Opinion: Who to blame for the lack of climate-change discussion at Democratic debates

Elijah Helton, Opinions Editor October 17, 2019

After three hours of full big-ticket policy discussion on areas such as health care, firearms, and foreign policy, the October Democratic debate concluded with hardly a word about the most important issue:...