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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Woman charged with pimping

DI STAFF February 12, 2010

The Johnson County Sheriff’s office arrested a Cedar Rapids woman after she allegedly prostituted her daughter to an undercover police officer. Mary Doolin, 60, Cedar Rapids, was charged Feb. 8 with...

Man charged with theft, forgery

DI STAFF February 12, 2010

The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office charged a man on Feb. 8, alleging that he forged $13,600 in checks using a relative’s name. Dale Grimm, 50, Middle Amana, Iowa, was charged with first-degree theft...

Teenager arrested in Broadway killing

REGINA ZILBERMINTS February 12, 2010

Iowa City police arrested a 17-year-old in connection with the slaying of a landlord who was shot while tending to his property. Charles William Curtis Thompson was charged Thursday with first-degree...

Redistricting causes real-estate concerns

NORA HEATON February 12, 2010

Nancy Hudson’s home is filled with photographs of her three grandchildren. But as she talks about them, an unlikely topic comes up: real estate. Hudson’s son and daughter-in-law are in the process...

Graduates eye overseas teaching

MICHAEL ARRIOLA February 12, 2010

In a nearly jobless economy, William Boyd has found an alternative — leaving the economy behind and teaching English in Spain. The UI senior, who is majoring in Spanish and international studies, is...

Bijou, UI talk on films

KRISTIN LUTZ February 12, 2010

UI officials could prove to be a roadblock as the Bijou’s Board of Directors pursue the mission of screening films the community wouldn’t usually see. University officials asked the board on Tuesday...

Local businesses use social networking

GRACE SAVIDES February 12, 2010

Social-networking sites may seem like just a way to meet new people, but for Tony and Dawn Evans, social networking helped their business take off. Five years ago, when Tony Evans quit his job at a Wal-Mart...

Bill would strip protections from LGBT students

ADAM B SULLIVAN February 12, 2010

Turk Pierson said he encountered some bullying in high school because he’s gay, but he was able to “brush it off.” However, many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students aren’t so lucky,...

Spotlight Iowa City: Calmly finding a center

HANNA ROSMAN February 12, 2010

Maureen Mondanaro uses “peace” of mind to streamline her busy life. She’s a mother of three busy girls, a prominent downtown restaurant owner and — as if it weren’t enough — a co-leader of...

Supervisors nix late-fee, interest waivers

DI STAFF February 12, 2010

Johnson County Auditor Tom Slockett spoke with the Johnson County Board of Supervisors Thursday about requests to waive or refund late-penalty and interest charges on property taxes. Slockett recommended...

Clark found guilty

SAM LANE February 11, 2010

As Donald Clark removed a golden cross from around his neck, he began to cry. The 41-year-old took his wallet out of his pocket, ripped off his tie, and handed his belongings to the sheriff’s deputy....

Loh: Students the priority

MORGAN OLSEN February 11, 2010

UI officials are trying to remedy the problem of increased enrollment coupled with fewer faculty members predicted for next year, Provost Wallace Loh told the UI Staff Council on Wednesday. Six task forces...