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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Big Ten schools get tough on discipline

KATHRYN STINSON December 18, 2009

At most Big Ten universities, a list of students’ off-campus misdemeanor charges lands on a dean’s desk every Monday morning. UI officials are looking to follow suit and implement a policy that allows...

‘Real World’ becoming grittier

JORDAN FRIES December 18, 2009

Despite a tough economy, outgoing UI senior David McNace remains optimistic about his job search. McNace — one of 1,138 UI students graduating this month — will leave the university with a double-major...

Local restaurant owner aims to help Iowa City youth

HOLLY HINES December 18, 2009

Standing outside his Iowa City restaurant with a broad smile, Jeff Currie rewarded City High sophomore Don Williams for getting good grades just as he had promised. After posing for pictures on Thursday,...

UI energy goals loom

LAUREN MILLS December 18, 2009

The UI is, for the most part, on track to meet sustainability goals set three years ago. The Energy Conservation and Management Strategic Plan, which could save the university from $3.5 million to $4...

That next text may be an ad

Twenty percent off tanning lotion. A Wich, chips, and a drink for $5.50. Free cover at the Union Bar. These are just some of the deals being sent to students’ cell phones, thanks to UI marketing student...

Tree group hugs UI

SCOTT RAYNOR December 18, 2009

Every day is Arbor Day for Andrew Dahl. So when the UI was named a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation, it gave Dahl, a UI arborist, a sense of accomplishment. “It’s kind of a feather in...

Special needs no problem for UI Study Abroad

NICOLE KARLIS December 18, 2009

Close your left eye, and squint your right eye. That’s how UI senior Abigail Burkle sees the world. But her vision impairment hasn’t stopped her from participating in typical college activities, including...

Local activist protests war weekly

When David Smithers isn’t taking parking tickets at ramp four of the UI Hospitals and Clinics, he is crusading for human rights at the intersection of Clinton and Washington Streets. He’s becoming...

Students deal with divorced parents

HOLLY HINES December 18, 2009

As UI freshman Elizabeth Alpert finishes her final exams today and prepares to travel home for winter break, she’s preparing herself for a different atmosphere. Just after she started classes at the...

Police will continue increased downtown patrols

MARLEEN LINARES December 18, 2009

After a jump in violence in and around downtown Iowa City, the UI police and Iowa City police joined forces this past semester to patrol the area, and officials say the partnership has been beneficial. In...

Spotlight Iowa City: Finding a passion in a crusade

AMIE KIEHN December 18, 2009

When college seniors approach the finish line, it’s probably normal for them to be a tad numb about graduating. After all, the big moment is the culmination of years spent immersed in textbooks and...

Board to discuss Plugge

DI STAFF December 18, 2009

The Iowa City School Board is set to meet today at 8 a.m. in closed session to discuss Superintendent Lane Plugge’s evaluation and contract, according to its recently posted agenda. The meeting comes...