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The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

UISG split on Hawks Nest funding

DI STAFF March 10, 2010

University of Iowa Student Government senators were divided on legislation Tuesday night that would allocate $25,000 to the Hawks Nest Hawkapalooza, voting 18-9 to table the decision. Last year, UISG...

Man charged with fifth OWI

DI STAFF March 10, 2010

Police charged a man with his fifth OWI after officers found his truck stuck in the mud. Robert McDowell, 42, Kalona, was charged Sunday with third-offense OWI. According to police reports, McDowell...

District settles with bus company

DI STAFF March 10, 2010

The Iowa City School District will pay a settlement of $200,000 to First Student Inc., after the bus company threatened to take legal action against the district for its payment practices. The agreement,...

Faculty Council endorses 21-ordinance

MORGAN OLSEN March 10, 2010

The University of Iowa Faculty Council endorsed the 21-ordinance Tuesday, noting that alcohol abuse is “physically and mentally harmful, which reduces student learning.” Victoria Sharp, the UI special...

Students stress importance of Arabic

ARIANA WITT March 9, 2010

UI freshman Shazmin Izhar didn’t grow up speaking Arabic. Though the Muslim student was born in Maylasia and thus spoke Malay, Izhar decided to study his religion’s language. “I learned it so I...

Spotlight Iowa City: Well-traveled in geography, writing

JORDAN FRIES March 9, 2010

Carol Severino has lived on the fringes of the Amazon rain forest. She’s taught creative writing to the indigenous people of Ecuador. Yet the University of Iowa associate professor said the prospect...

Authorities await autopsy in suspicious death

JORDAN FRIES March 9, 2010

Authorities are still investigating what they have labeled suspicious death in a mobile-home park just east of Iowa City on Sunday evening. Johnson County deputies responded to a report of suspicious...

Grassley: Scrap current health-care bills

ADAM B SULLIVAN March 9, 2010

Lawmakers need to scrap progress made so far on health-care reform and start anew, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, told those gathered on the UI medical campus on Tuesday. “There’s widespread agreement...

Voters may see 21-ordinance again


Despite which side community members fall on regarding the proposed 21-ordinance for bar entry, they may agree on one thing: Timing is key. If the council passes a 21-only ordinance, opponents will have...

Study: Naps can help students learn

HOLLY HINES March 9, 2010

UI freshman Dani Neef never went to bed on Sunday night. Instead, she stayed awake preparing for the five tests and one paper she faced during midterms week. “I’m not as alert as I’d like to be,”...

Man has purchased 309 vehicles


Harlan Nost has owned more than 300 vehicles. The Iowa City resident, who describes himself as “car crazy,” said he became interested in cars at 13, when he sat “real close” to his father and...

Iowa to see more options for high-proof beers


Iowa brewers will soon get a chance to compete with out-of-state microbreweries’ higher-proof beers. Gov. Chet Culver will sign a bill on Wednesday that will grant Iowa microbreweries the ability to...