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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

UI asks regents to approve several land purchases

DI STAFF December 3, 2010

The University of Iowa will seek the approval of two property purchases — one on Clinton Street and another in North Liberty — at the Board of Regents meeting next week. Agenda documents released...

Provost search to be confidential

DI STAFF December 3, 2010

The search for the next University of Iowa provost will remain confidential until the final candidates visit campus, said UI spokesman Tom Moore. The search committee formally met for the first time...

Police warn of fake $100 bills

DI STAFF December 3, 2010

Iowa City police issued a warning to local businesses Thursday about counterfeit $100 bills in the area. According to a press release, counterfeit bills have been passed in Iowa City and surrounding...

Summit liquor license in trouble, Jake’s set to close

ALICIA KRAMME December 3, 2010

One of Mike Porter's downtown bars could lose its liquor license next week and another is set to close after this weekend. Iowa City Police Chief Sam Hargadine has recommended that the Iowa City City...

Officials suggest new regulations for Ped Mall vendors

DI STAFF December 3, 2010

Assistant City Manager Dale Helling and administrative assistant Kathi Johnansen sent a letter to the Iowa City City Council on Wednesday recommending changes to mobile vending on the Pedestrian Mall....

UI wants to house students in another apartment complex

HAYLEY BRUCE December 3, 2010

University of Iowa officials hope to lease another privately owned apartment complex — this one near Burge Residence Hall — to house students next fall in an ongoing effort to ease overcrowding in...

UI crime statistics rise sharply

SAM LANE December 3, 2010

A sharp increase in alcohol-related and overall arrests at the University of Iowa this year can be attributed to increased enforcement, not necessarily an increased number of crimes, officials say. Data...

Universities request fewer sabbaticals

SAM LANE December 3, 2010

All three state universities are requesting fewer sabbaticals for their employees this year — a fact some Republican lawmakers may welcome but is concerning to some professors and university administrators. And...

Alcoholic-energy drinks gone from Iowa shelves

ARIANA WITT December 3, 2010

Iowa has lost its Loko. Thursday marked the final day stores across Iowa were allowed to sell the popular alcoholic-energy drink Four Loko, said Tonya Dusold, communications director for the Iowa Alcoholic...

New state auditor may change voting rules

ADAM B SULLIVAN December 2, 2010

A newly elected state official is looking to change the voting system, which organizers say helped bring out a record number of voters in Johnson County and across the state during the recent midterm elections. Some...

UI students find ways to study abroad despite economy

NINA EARNEST December 2, 2010

Despite harsh economic times, University of Iowa students are continuing to find the means to study overseas. Nationwide, the number of students who studied abroad for credit dropped slightlyin2008-09—the...

A possible Supreme Court decision could offer students a cheaper textbook option

HAYLEY BRUCE December 2, 2010

A possibly cheaper text- book alternative for college students hinges on a Supreme Court decision. The case — which deals with how far federal law extends regarding the first- sales doctrine and copy-...