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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

UIHC struggles to get DM transplants

RYAN COLE February 16, 2011

Despite the facility’s award-winning abdominal organ transplant center, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics officials aren’t getting any attention from Des Moines health-care centers. The UIHC...

American Idol contestant to play in IC

ERIC HAWKINSON February 16, 2011

The past few weeks have been a wild ride for musician Caleb Hawley. Since his audition for “American Idol” was featured in the first 10 minutes of the season première, he’s seen a jump in support...

UI nursing professor volunteers with Operation Smile

When Sandra Daack-Hirsch hopped on a westbound plane in 1994, she didn’t know what to expect. When she landed in the Philippines, she found a group of islands filled with families who needed medical...

Spotlight: Local artist designs Java House logo

JESSICA CARBINO February 15, 2011

The smell of coffee beans roasting wafts through the air. It goes past the counter toward the customers sitting on comfy couches and antique chairs reading books, talking, or writing. Claudia McGehee observes...

Councilors to vote on gun ban

MADISON BENNETT February 15, 2011

The National Rifle Association may be planning to challenge a new Iowa City resolution that would increase gun control on city-owned property, one Iowa City official said. Assistant City Attorney Eric...

Obama’s budget proposal would cut Pell Grant funding

RYAN COLE February 15, 2011

The number of students receiving Pell Grants and the amount they receive could decrease in the next fiscal year as a result of President Obama’s new education-budget proposal. Federal Pell Grants provided...

Grant Wood cuts to affect schools

AUDREY SMITH February 15, 2011

Local educators said students would receive less individual attention following Grant Wood Area Education Agency’s recent layoffs. State budget cuts, low enrollment, and several other factors forced...

Census numbers mean more money

ALLIE WRIGHT February 15, 2011

A population increase in Johnson County will likely mean more federal money for local transportation improvements, but officials aren’t yet sure how much they’ll receive. According to the 2010 Census,...

Legislators: Pollock bill not likely to pass

ARIANA WITT February 15, 2011

Iowa legislators agree that a proposed bill to force the University of Iowa’s Museum of Art to sell a multimillion-dollar Jackson Pollock painting is not likely to be passed into law. Some think the...

Branstad unveils new preschool plan

NINA EARNEST February 15, 2011

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad unveiled on Tuesday his new preschool program designed to award scholarships to low-income families, setting aside $43.6 million in state appropriations. “By providing all Iowa...

UI launches web-based energy tool

KENDALL MCCABE February 15, 2011

George Paterson sat in a room closely resembling a NASA mission-control center on Monday. But instead of counting down to a shuttle launch, Paterson, a University of Iowa utilities systems specialist,...

UI student returns home after witnessing Egyptian revolution

NINA EARNEST February 14, 2011

Dan Olinghouse is a revolutionary. He may not look the part, dressed in a fleece jacket and drinking a double espresso — the closest thing he can find to an ’ahwa, or Egyptian coffee — in an Iowa...