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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Roosevelt to celebrate 80th anniversary


When Sarah Parker remembers her years at Roosevelt Elementary, she speaks of them as if her first day of school in 1941 was but a week ago. She flips through the pages of a crayon-colored picture book...

Students go backstage at Bon Jovi

KATIE HEINE May 13, 2011

DESMOINES— Kelli Sullens may be "livin' on a prayer" today as she takes her last final exam for an entrepreneurial course. Because instead of cramming for the exam Thursday, Sullens and...

2010-2011: Year in review

DI STAFF May 13, 2011

UI holds on to Pollock painting Amid protests from students and University of Iowa officials, a state legislator withdrew a bill in February that would have required the UI to sell Mural, its famous Jackson...

UI, city want to cooperate on downtown


University of Iowa and Iowa City officials said they want to collaborate in attracting more college-centered retailers to downtown. On May 17, Iowa City city councilors are scheduled to discuss whether...

Natalie Ginty to appear on Glenn Beck’s show

DI STAFF May 13, 2011

University of Iowa junior Natalie Ginty, the chairwoman of Iowa College Republicans, will appear on Glenn Beck's TV show today at 4 p.m., barring any breaking news, she said. Ginty and several students...

Branstad signs open record bill

DI STAFF May 13, 2011

Gov. Terry Branstad signed a bill on Thursday that will set forth penalties for government agencies that violate open-record and public-meeting laws. Under the law, a governmental body must give notice...

City to vote on First Ave. construction project

DI STAFF May 13, 2011

The Iowa City City Council will vote on a resolution May 17 that will authorize the acquisition of property necessary for the construction of the First Avenue Grade Separation and Drainage Project, according...

City may ban tables downtown

DI STAFF May 13, 2011

The Iowa City City Council will discuss a memorandum at its work session May 16 regarding the prohibition of tables set up on the Pedestrian Mall. Assistant City Manager Dale Helling and administrative...

Man charged with burglary, going armed

DI STAFF May 13, 2011

Iowa City police arrested a Coralville man after he allegedly tried to steal money from a woman's purse. Christopher Strickland, 26, was charged Wednesday with third-degree burglary and going armed with...

Q&A:Mason talks provost, arts campus

DI STAFF May 12, 2011

The Daily Iowan sat down to talk to University of Iowa President Sally Mason about concluding the provost search, updates on the arts campus, and the UI's image. The Daily Iowan: The possible banning...

Drake tapped as Mason’s senior associate

LUKE VOELZ May 12, 2011

As a microbiology professor, David Drake said, he has a trait inherent to all scientists: an obsession with solving problems. He said he hopes that drive will translate well to his new position as senior...

888 appeal their job descriptions


The number of appeals made in response to the University of Iowa plan to update staff titles and job descriptions has increased by more than 200 in the course of a month — bringing the grand total to...