With tuition hikes likely coming in at around 4 percent for the next academic year, the regent university presidents are still hoping to boost financial aid despite discussions of budget cuts.
The UI College of Nursing has added the Northern Iowa Area Community College to a growing list of community colleges participating in the R.N. to B.S.N. 3+1 online education program.
As the cost of higher education continues to rise, students are left to try to balance the cost of tuition, housing, food, and other expenses that come along with being a student at the University of...
After a lengthy investigation into gender discrimination in athletics by the federal Office of Civil Rights with no direct violations found, UI is now trying to prove it follows Title IX.
The Iowa Senate has approved midyear funding cuts for universities governed by the state Board of Regents, but the House has proposed a smaller reduction in appropriations.
The Daily Iowan documented the status of searches to replace administrators that are ongoing or recently concluded to help you keep track of the many departures.
The UI is removing the name of donor Stephen A. Wynn from the Institute for Vision Research currently named after him after reports of alleged sexual misconduct.