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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

(The Daily Iowan/file photo)

Video: RAGBRAI hits Denison, Iowa

July 23, 2018

Video by Tate Hildyard

Floodwaters engulf Lower City Park on Tuesday, June 10, 2008.

Video: Memories of the flood, 10 years later

June 13, 2018

This month marks 10 years since floodwaters submerged the University of Iowa campus, damaging over 20 buildings, three of which were beyond repair. Though much of the community did not go through the natural...

Video: #MeToo on the University of Iowa's campus

Video: #MeToo on the University of Iowa’s campus

Reba Zatz, [email protected] April 26, 2018

April is National Sexual Assault and Prevention Month. Since October 2017, the #MeToo movement has remained in the spotlight as figures from Hollywood to Washington have come together to fight rampant...

24 hours of improv by Iowa City's Great White Narcs

24 hours of improv by Iowa City’s Great White Narcs

April 23, 2018

Iowa City improv troop The Great White Narcs staged a 24 hour long improv comedy show. DI Films documented the show and the players through the highs and lows of the entire performance.