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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Coming through crisis, ‘While My Sister Sleeps’ nothing short of beautiful

RACHAEL LANDER February 24, 2009

If author Barbara Delinsky is still upset from getting bumped from her Honors English class in high school for not being able to keep up, she sure doesn’t show it. The best-selling writer has proven...

Bands battle for spot at Wakarusa festival

DAN WATSON February 23, 2009

In the music industry, many small-time acts are always looking for their next big breaks. Most of these opportunities come about simply by good fortune, but on Tuesday, six Iowa bands will battle for a...

Fired Up mostly fired down

REBECCA KOONS February 23, 2009

Film Review: Fired Up The past few years of cinematic history have seen an onslaught of over-the-top, outrageously funny sex comedies, along the likes of Knocked Up and Superbad. The trailers for Fired...

Cook-in-Progress: How to roast vegetables

DI ARTS STAFF February 23, 2009

It’s a mantra you’ve heard since preschool from your mother, Marge Simpson, and every issue of Fitness magazine: Eat your vegetables. But that order can be tough to fill if you’re not into spinach...

Two kings of bluegrass play the Mill

RACHAEL LANDER February 20, 2009

For Andy Carlson and Casey Cook, music has played an integral role in their lives for as long as either can remember. Carlson first picked up the fiddle when he was 5, thanks to his grandfather, while...

Hyentyte plays Industry with Dead Larry & the Zombie Girls

NICK FETTY February 20, 2009

When the seeds of Minneapolis band Hyentyte were planted in 1998, the members thought of themselves as “good friends making good music for good friends.” Eleven years later, the band retains that motto. On...

Trendspotter: Man boobs

DI ARTS STAFF February 20, 2009

Man cleavage is so in right now. Some dudes are showing off a part of their anatomies usually reserved for the beach. Get used to sitting in class or walking around downtown IC, only to see a luscious...

Menu: Chicken curry and kheer

DI ARTS STAFF February 19, 2009

Watching this weekend’s Academy Awards show, a night for celebrities to flaunt their bony bods, might bring on some mighty strong munchies to those whose careers don’t depend on cellulite (or lack...

William Whitmore, prairie home compadre, returns to fans in Iowa City

MELEA ANDRYS February 19, 2009

“The outhouse is pretty neat, but someday, I’m probably gonna get me some indoor plumbing,” William Whitmore said. “It’s one of my long-term goals.” It’s fitting that the cabin of the Iowa...

Drama on the quick-quick at UI play festival

DAN WATSON February 19, 2009

Imagine the hustle and bustle going on behind the curtain during a play — the stage manager barking orders, actors rapidly changing costumes, stagehands shuttling on and off the set, and all of the other...

Mason Jennings bring music from the woods to Englert

BRIAN DAU February 19, 2009

In the style of his favorite authors, Mason Jennings likes to keep his music simple. Like Cormac McCarthy and Nicole Krauss (who penned his favorite book, A History of Love), Jennings subscribes to a “less...

Rubblebucket relies on music education for rock-band success

NICK FETTY February 19, 2009

Getting a degree in music is often seen as a the pathway to becoming a music teacher. But for Afro-beat/rock band Rubblebucket Orchestra, getting a musical education was key to success as a rock band. With...