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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

UI club ready to hit the slopes

COURTNEY SPEARS December 17, 2009

The powdery, white-coated roads and hills of winter create excitement in one of the UI’s student groups. The Ski and Snowboard Club members have been waiting almost a year for snow to fall. In the meantime,...

Iowa City scene alive during break

DI STAFF December 17, 2009

Winter break can be a barren land, full of downtime and boredom. Luckily, Iowa City’s arts scene is still bustling, even when classes are not in session. Here are a few ways to keep cabin fever at bay...

Tracks from the Past: Metal Xmas

DI STAFF December 17, 2009

We Wish You A Metal Xmas … and a Headbanging New Year Christmas is coming. While some may celebrate with Nat King Cole or Dean Martin holiday standards, others prefer to ring in the Christmas season...

iPod Playlist: Awesomely tragic songs

DI STAFF December 17, 2009

The relationship between the song and its listener is subjective, but many songs pertain to specific experiences in our lives — especially when they deal with tragedy. However, only a select few still...

Geek Out: Super Nintendo

DI STAFF December 16, 2009

I will never forget my childhood Christmas of 1998. A large box, cleanly wrapped in holiday paper sat addressed to my dad. This was unusual. My family typically just gave him gift cards to such places...

Dine on a Dime: Dip

DI STAFF December 16, 2009

’Tis nearly winter break, boys and girls. Soon, we will be back home with our families celebrating the holidays. When all the mirth and revelry of New Year’s is over though, there is still more to...

The top 20 books of the last 10 years

DI STAFF December 16, 2009

INFLUENTIAL BOOKS 1. Harry Potter Series, by J.K. Rowling Rowling’s beloved series came to an end in 2007, and fans who grew up with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the wizard world likely shed...

Shopping list: Holidays on a budget

DI STAFF December 16, 2009

If you found yourself living in a cardboard box on the side of the road after breaking the bank last Christmas, as I did, here are some tips to stay within budget this year. Just remember: You don’t...

Lighting celebrates Hanukkah

ADAM SALAZAR December 15, 2009

While the holiday season can be aggressive, it can be hard to imagine that some minority groups might be left out of the festivities. Fortunately for students such as Ally Milch, a popular tradition will...

Top 20 Albums of the last 10 years

DI STAFF December 15, 2009

ALBUMS 1. Radiohead — Kid A Exploring the ground between rock and electronica, Radiohead not only spearheaded a new direction in its own catalogue, it also created a new genre of music. Thom Yorke’s...

Movie Review: Invictus

TOMMY MORGAN JR. December 15, 2009

**** out of ***** Making a sports movie is, at best, a break-even proposition. While there are some classic sports films — like, say Hoosiers or Field of Dreams — the genre as a whole is, more often...

Top 10 movies of past decade

DI STAFF December 14, 2009

The DI Arts & Culture staff has gathered the best of the best of the past 10 years, starting with 2000. Hours upon hours were spent gathered at apartments, houses, and various downtown locations arguing...