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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Painting the stage red

JUSTUS FLAIR September 4, 2014

Surging forward as one, the two men attack, striking, sparring, and creating. In perfect synchronization, one moves down as the other moves up, left balanced by right, as the music keeps time. Though...

Cornmeal puts a twist on bluegrass

ELENA BRUESS September 4, 2014

Somewhere between American folk and roots, bluegrass music is known for its jazzy jams and country tones. Commonly incorporating a mixture of instruments, including fiddle, upright bass, and banjo, this...

The legacy of Lasansky

ASHLEY MURPHY September 4, 2014

A bride covered in blood may create a gory and unpleasant image. However, the mind of an art lover may naturally drift to printmaker, and former University of Iowa Professor Mauricio Lasansky and his color...

The Recliners rock the Mill

ISAAC HAMLET September 4, 2014

With such a wide variety of genres and subgenres coloring the music scene, it can be difficult to decide on a favorite sound when posed the question, “what’s your favorite kind of music?”...

‘Speed friending’ connects students

JASMINE PUTNEY September 4, 2014

Sweaty palms and butterflies, two symptoms that are essentially unavoidable when dealing with the sometimes nerve-racking experience of meeting new people. However, the ultimate reward of these new interactions...

Drink of the Week: Texas Sweet Tea

DI STAFF August 28, 2014

Classes have begun, but summer is still upon us; thus, sweet tea is still firmly on the menu. This country-style beverage comes from Cheddar’s, a hidden gem of a restaurant near Costco in Coralville,...

Fry Fest ushers in Hawkeye fever

ISAAC HAMLET August 28, 2014

Eighty-four colored and adorned Herky the Hawk statues have stood vigilant over the Iowa City area for four months, diverse as the people who pass them. Now their watch draws to a close — but not without...

Bringing pleasure through pain

JASMINE PUTNEY August 28, 2014

The sounds of staples piercing skin, fire roaring in someone’s throat, nails being hammered through noses, and cement blocks being cracked open on someone’s stomach fill the air. Crash, clatter,...

Dining in Iowa City

JUSTUS FLAIR August 28, 2014

Coming to Iowa City, everyone knows to hit up Hamburg Inn for breakfast and burgers, Mesa for crazy pizza, and Short’s for burgers and fries. However, it’s college — expand your horizons....

Dogs on Skis to perform at Friday Night Concert Series

CLAIRE DIETZ August 28, 2014

As the summer winds down and school begins, a few aspects of Iowa City’s downtown nightlife are continue, including the Friday Night Concert series. There has been a wide variety of bands that played...

Firesale celebrates seven years

ASHLEY MURPHY August 28, 2014

Seven years of following your dreams alongside your best friends is something worth celebrating — or at least Colton Menke, Max Lipnick, Mckinley Kuhlmann, and Joe Verstraete seem to think so. The Davenport...

Review: Landlocked Film Festival

ADAM GROMOTKA August 28, 2014

I showed up for the opening film at the Englert, "Photostoria," a few minutes late and sweating like a diseased animal. The weather is a tacky topic, no doubt, but five more degrees would have...