7 Car Accident Attorney Red Flags

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Car accidents kill a lot of people every year. There are around 1.35 million individuals killed annually in car crashes all around the world. The United States alone sees thousands of such accidents every year. 

Understandably, victims who are injured in these incidents want to seek justice, so they sue the party that was responsible for the event. One key part of these cases is hiring an attorney. Sadly, not all lawyers have your best interest at heart, while others may simply not have the necessary experience or knowledge for car accidents. 

What are the signs of a bad car accident attorney? Here are 7 red flags to look out for. 

  • Asking for an Upfront Payment

Most of the time, an attorney will get paid when the case is won. That means that a percentage will be given to an attorney out of the compensation you get from the case when you win.

This is why an attorney asking for money upfront should be taken as a bad sign. This is not normal behavior. Not to mention, the fact that they seem to predict the outcome of the case is strange, to say the least. 

Before committing to a lawyer, you should compare fee structures and get quotes from several ones. This ensures that you know what to expect in terms of money.

  • No Transparency

A reliable and experienced attorney will not refrain from revealing information about previous car accident cases. Nobody with genuine intentions and outstanding services will start sweating when you ask questions.

So, take it as a red flag if an attorney tried to evade your questions about previous cases. You naturally want to know what the success rate of the lawyer is, because it can say a lot about what your situation will look like. If you notice any lack of transparency, it’s best to look for another expert.

  • Availability

Everyone wants to be able to rely on their lawyer at all times. Car accident cases require involvement, and not being able to contact your attorney can diminish your chances of success. Some attorneys are very busy, so don’t settle for someone who doesn’t have the time to take care of your claim. 

  • Not Having Any License to Practice Law in the State

Licensing is required for any attorney who wants to practice law in any state. Depending on where the accident occurred, you will want to take the case to court in that location, meaning someone who understands the laws in that area is better suited to handle the situation.

If, for instance, you traveled to Carrollton, Texas, a lawyer licensed to practice in Texas can help you. All you have to do is search for a Carrollton car accident attorney, and you can find a great attorney to take care of your case moving forward. 

However, if you encounter any attorney that does not hold a license, you should look for other options that can promise to bring you a favorable outcome. 

  • Having a Bad Reputation

An obvious red flag would be a bad reputation with other clients. Now, there can always be an occasional client who is not happy with the lawyer’s services, while other clients are happy with them. But when there’s an influx of complaints from former clients, it’s definitely because something is wrong with the attorney and his or her services. 

You should definitely never go with a lawyer who has a bad reputation among previous clients. 

  • No Empathy

Since car accidents are so traumatic, you need as much support as you can get following the event. Even your attorney should show empathy. A lack of empathy will make it hard to establish any trust and will make working with the expert very tiring. 

When the lawyer can understand what you’re going through, he or she will be able to represent you much better.

  • Not Offering a Written Agreement or Contract

Any attorney should be more than willing to give you a written agreement or contract that includes details about the services they will offer, as well as their fees and other things. When no document is offered, it’s an instant red flag as you have no guarantee the services you ask for will even be provided.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to detect red flags in an attorney will ensure you don’t end up hiring the wrong expert. Look out for these signs and you’ll be able to find a lawyer that will bring a favorable case outcome.