How to Grow on Instagram Organically?

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People buy followers because they want to make their profiles more attractive to visitors. Nobody’ll want to offer you a sponsorship deal or buy your products if there are no comments or likes on your posts. The numbers issue has to be solved ASAP but you have to do it in a smart way!

You’ll easily find hundreds of websites that sell followers, likes, comments, and Story views. But is it that simple? Let’s figure it out.

The First Thing to Note

Instagram developers created multiple filters to analyze user behavior and ensure platform guidelines compliance. That’s why when you order any kind of inorganic engagement, you have to be very careful and mindful. Otherwise, you’ll get banned.

There’s no need to dive into complex information to be able to distinguish quality followers from fake ones they offer on the market. Let’s just analyze how regular users act.

They follow their friends and some content creators. Every day when they open the app, they view Stories and browse their Instagram feed. When they see something interesting, they like and comment. Sometimes they follow new profiles.

Now you know who you are looking for. 

3 Types of IG Follower Services

Fake Follower Marketplaces

This is the most common one; it takes over 90% of the market. There are a few factors that indicate that fake followers is what you’ll get:

  • Pricing (lowest on the market);
  • Tariff plan name (some services openly display that information);
  • Quick results (a service can only guarantee thousands of likes within minutes after payment if they use bots).

You should forget about using a service like this straight away. Close that browser tab and don’t even think of harming your profile. Followers like this and the fake engagement they offer are the worst favor you can do yourself. In the best case scenario, you’ll get shadowbanned. Even your old followers will stop seeing your posts in their feeds. If you go overboard with it, you might lose your profile.

Short Task Marketplaces

This method is a bit more complex and expensive because it involves real users. The timeframes for task completion are larger.

At the first glance, it might seem it’s an acceptable method compared to buying bots. After all, you get engagement from real people who might have real profiles with photos and legit usernames. But there are still lots of pitfalls. Consider the example below to understand how a short task marketplace user acts.

They see a task — they follow the link to a post — they like it — they leave your profile never to return again. Let’s say you’ll get 100 likes this way.

This means that 100 random users came from the same website, liked your content and left. None of them follows you. You’ve got to agree this kind of engagement looks suspicious.

Let’s mention profile quality. To make some money on a marketplace of this sort, freelancers complete hundreds and thousands of tasks that make their following count a real dumpster. At the same time, your follower profile quality is a very important factor that affects your organic growth on the platform.

What do you get as a result? Low-quality profile users who visit your profile to complete a one-off task. At the end of the day, you are in as much danger of getting banned or shadowbanned as if you bought some bots. Hardly a way to spend your hard-earned money!

Real Followers from You to Subs

There has never been a service that offered legit real followers before late 2021. Lots of services would make loud promises but only one followed through, This website is fundamentally different from follower marketplaces. You can’t buy separate likes, comments, or views here. Let’s figure out why you need it and why you should use it.

The service would be great for those who want to see organic engagement onb their profiles. Here, you can hire freelancers (followers) who will visit your profile, view your Stories, and like and comment on your content for a daily payment. This means that every follower you hire will help you boost your profile.

How This Looks in Practice

You order 200 followers and publish a new post. They see it in their feed.

All followers will like and comment on it within 24 hours of its publication. Remember that it’s how regular followers act. Instagram algorithms will definitely appreciate this kind of engagement and recommend your profile to other users. Every freelancer approved for work on the service goes through a thorough verification process and meets the following requirements:

  • Profiles no younger than 6 months;
  • At least 15 real photos;
  • At least 40 followers;
  • No more than 600 followings.

In your personal profile on the website, you can see every follower you collaborate with and monitor their activity level. If you don’t like their comments or they start slacking, you can terminate your contract with them with a single click. A new freelancer will take their place immediately to ensure the number of followers you need.

If you are a budding online store owner, this service will be a game-changer. After all, it’s hard to boost your sales without any customer reviews.

For new content creators, this can be a great motivation to generate more content. It’s difficult to be inspired to create something new if there’s no audience response.

Let’s Sum It Up

If you want quality Instagram profile growth, the only method you should use is getting followers at You to Subs. Promote your profile smart or don’t do that at all.