Letter to the Editor | Need for real discussion on cannabis reform

Iowa City resident, Parker McNally, on cannabis reform in Iowa.

Cannabis reform is something most people in Iowa and around Johnson County can agree needs to be addressed. However, state legislative leaders refuse to bring the issue to the table. This is hurting many Iowans all due to lawmakers’ refusal to do their job.

As The Daily Iowan previously reported from the American Civil Liberties Union, “Marijuana arrests make up 55 percent of all drug arrests in Iowa.” This disparaging fact also sheds light on the incarceration rates of people of color in Iowa, which has a track record of being ranked as one of the worst places for black people to live. The antiquated cannabis laws in this state put people of color at a huge disadvantage and it’s time for change.

The simple fact is by urging lawmakers to debate cannabis reform, we can help to take a burden off marginalized groups here in Iowa. All whilst allowing folks to receive the medical needs that cannabis can fulfill. We Iowans have the voice and power to make legislators notice.

Join the campaign for sensible cannabis laws at www.freetheweediowa.org/petition

  • Parker McNally, Iowa City, IA

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