Iowa City Community School District receives $1 million donation from UI alum

Christine Boge, UI graduate and long-time resident of Iowa City, created the “Greatest Need” fund for Iowa City school. The grant was the largest donation the district foundation has received in 40 years.

Samantha Bielema, News Reporter

A University of Iowa alum donated $1 million to the Iowa City Community School District, the largest donation to the district in 40 years.

Christine Boge, a board member of the Foundation for the ICCSD and senior vice president at Global Operations at Integrated DNA Technologies, said the donation is intended to help children in need in Iowa City schools.

“I’m a long-term resident of the Iowa City, Coralville area,” Boge said. “I’ve lived here for almost 30 years.”

The grant fund will prioritize the improvement of the areas holding students back from their greatest successes for the next 20 years.

“I’m wanting to provide funds for the types of programs that keep all students in school and keep all students successful,” Boge said.

Susan Brennan, executive director of the Foundation for the ICCSD said the foundation fundraises for programs, events, and opportunities that are outside of the district budget.

The foundation holds many events, including 5k’s, restaurant outings, and partnerships with local businesses to raise money to better Iowa City schools.

Brennan met Boge when Boge joined the foundation’s board of directors about two years ago. Brennan said Boge is a huge supporter of Iowa City schools.

“It’s part of the deal with Christine,” Brennan said. “Because I know what speaks to Christine, checking in with her about what we think suits the greatest need is all she asks.”

Matt Degner, Iowa City Community School District superintendent, said in a press release that Boge’s donation will help the district develop and sustain innovative programs for our students.

“Her gift will have a long-lasting impact on the children in our community,” he said.

This isn’t Boge’s first donation to the foundation. She funded a grant that allowed single mothers in high school to receive proper clothing for job interviews to give them the best opportunity possible.

“I’m a single mother, I have every advantage in the world,” she said. “I had my kids late in life, I have a great career and it’s still hard. I can’t imagine being a single mother and being 16.”

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Boge received her education at the UI and has accomplished many things with her education. She graduated from the UI with a Bachelor of Science in biology with a minor in chemistry and a master’s degree in business administration.

She resides in the area with her two children, who have grown up in Iowa City.

“Both of my kids have gone to public school. I’m a big believer in public education,” Boge said. “How do children go to school and learn if they don’t have lunch? How do children learn if they don’t have a way to get to school?”