Letter to the Editor | Outlawing compassion

Iowans need to care about animals and advocate for legislators to vote no on SF 483.

Ben Allan Smith

Cows are seen at the Blomme family farm in Ladora, Iowa on Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018. The farm, which produces corn, soybeans, pork, and beef, has been in the family for over 80 years.

Do you care about animals? Most people do, but apparently many members of the Iowa legislature don’t. They are trying to pass laws to prevent communities from protecting animals.

One bill is SF 483. It negates local humane ordinances that have already been passed and takes away local control. If this bill becomes law, it will prevent any city or county from passing any animal protection ordinance if it interferes with a business that profits from animals. You can learn more here.

These legislators are valuing money and profits above anything else. Profits are more important than animal welfare, public health and the wishes of the community.  What kind of state do you want to live in? If you care about animals, please contact your senator and representative, and ask them to vote no on SF 483.

Lynn Gallagher, Solon, Iowa Resident