One-on-one with Iowa quarterback Nate Stanley

Daily Iowan football reporter Pete Mills sat down with quarterback Nate Stanley to talk about Brussels sprouts, backpacking, and podcasts.

Megan Nagorzanski

Iowa quarterback Nate Stanley passes the ball during a game against Northwestern at Ryan Field on Saturday, October 26, 2019. The Hawkeyes defeated the Wildcats 20-0. Stanley passed for a total of 179 yards.

Pete Mills, Sports Reporter

The Daily Iowan: Before the season, you had to do a photoshoot with a hawk on your arm. How terrifying was that?
Stanley: You know, I was actually the last one to hold it in the photoshoot, A.J. and Brandon held it before me. Those two seemed pretty confident with it, so at that point, it wasn’t too bad.


DI: When you’re not playing football, what do you do in your free time?
Stanley: Hanging out with friends. Actually, I like to be outdoors with people.


DI: What do you like to do outside?
Stanley: Like hunting or fishing and that type of stuff. Anything outside, really, is something I really enjoy doing.


DI: Is that your dream vacation, then? Backpacking and fishing?
Stanley: I would really like to backpack and camp, you know, throughout the national parks in the United States. Whether it be Yosemite, or Glacier National Park, or places like that.


DI: What’s your diet like during the season? Are there parts of it you don’t like?
Stanley: We’re pretty consistent with our diet throughout the whole year. We get pretty much all the food we could ever need brought right to us here. Everybody’s pretty good at bringing us nutritious food.


DI: Is there any food they give you that you don’t like?
Stanley: There’s some veggies I don’t like, like Brussels sprouts and stuff like that, but there’s always a variety of options.


DI: What’s your favorite restaurant in the Iowa City area then?
Stanley: Estela’s, probably. Either that or Monica’s.


DI: Is there something you listen to during the season to pump yourself up for games?
Stanley: I listen to a guy named Jocko Willink, some of his podcasts. And then the song during the Hawk Walk that I listen to is “Lose Yourself” by Eminem.


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