Cambus difficulties tie up students

Cambus routes have been changed because of Park Road construction, limiting options to reach Mayflower Residence.

David Harmantas

University of Iowa Cambuses at the Madison St. Maintenance Facility on Monday, Aug. 20, 2018. Cambus recently announced a limitation of service to Mayflower Hall due to ongoing road construction.

Alexandra Skores, News Reporter

Students relying on Cambus to get around campus have been met with obstacles because of construction.

The first week of classes has been a time of transition for students that rely on Cambus to travel across campus. The Park Road Bridge construction near the Mayflower Residence Hall has rerouted both the Blue and Red Routes, limiting the number of buses available to pick up students.

UI senior Tristan Brown, a part-time Cambus driver, said the drivers have been given new sheets with the route changes, and it is then the driver’s responsibility to relay that information to the next driver.

“There’s always construction in Iowa City; we just adjust to it and go with the flow,” Brown said.

Frequent users of the Red and Blue Routes have been directly affected by the Park Road construction as frequent riders adjust to the new routes and learning how to get to class on time.

Cambus manager Brian McClatchey said officials hope the bridge project will be completed by the end of September.

Handouts have been distributed at all the residence halls with further information about the bus routes and the adjustments since the construction on Park Road began, he said.

Cambus has made a lot of changes to try serve residents at Mayflower and Red and Blue Route users, McClatchey said.

“We have added a lot of services to compensate for the construction,” he said. “I know it’s confusing; just try to study our information a little bit more.”

He suggested that students using Bongo should pull up a map of the route they’re taking rather than looking at arrival time predictions for a more accurate idea of when buses arrive.

According to the Bongo website, riders on the East Side traveling to the West Side are expected to travel to the Pentacrest and transfer to Blue Route at stop 0120, Macbride Hall.

Riders of the West Side traveling to the East Side should ride the Interdorm, Hawkeye Interdorm, or Mayflower Shuttle, the website said.

As for night services, McClatchey said, Safe Ride, the extended bus hours running until 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, no longer operates on the usual Blue and Red Routes.

Cambus has worked to provide an alternative route, “Interdorm Safe Ride,” to adjust for the change, he said. The new route will follow the Interdorm route and serve those stops to compensate for the lack of buses stopping along the usual Blue and Red Routes.

McClatchey said Cambus will also provide extra Mayflower Shuttles during nights and weekends. Mayflower residents should rely on both the Mayflower and Interdorm buses to get home during nights.

Mayflower resident assistant Isabelle Webber said the immediate questions first-year parents had asked her upon move-in was when construction would be finished.

Webber also noted that one of her residents was on a Blue Route this week and expected to go to Mayflower, yet went on the newly designed route.

“I encourage my residents to use Bongo like most RAs do, but it is difficult when the routes are changing,” she said. “It will be hard for them to adjust.”