April is National Sexual Assault and Prevention Month.
Since October 2017, the #MeToo movement has remained in the spotlight as figures from Hollywood to Washington have come together to fight rampant sexual violence in their respective industries. This issue continues to be a topic of discussion on social media and in the public sphere. The Daily Iowan decided to take a look at how sexual misconduct is understood in Iowa City and on the University of Iowa campus.
According to Iowa City’s Rape Victim Advocacy Program, one in four women, one in four trans-identified individuals, and one in 16 men will experience some form of sexual violence during their four years at a university.
Representatives from RVAP, the University of Iowa Women’s Resource and Action Center, and UI students agreed to speak about the prevalence of sexual misconduct in our community.
Featuring: Susan Junis, Cody Howell, Stormy O’Brink, Adam Robinson, Nailah Roberts, Caitlin Chenus, and more.
Other Daily Iowan stories on the topic: