Daily Iowan: Who is tour go-to music artist?
Amani Hooker: Probably Drake. He has some soft music, some hard music, gets me hyped, so Drake’s my guy.
DI: What is your favorite restaurant in Iowa City?
Hooker: I would say Chipotle. I love Chipotle. It’s not really an Iowa City thing, but I love Chipotle.
DI: What’s one thing you can’t live without?
Hooker: Probably my family. They’ve always been there motivating me. If I’m down, they’re always there to help me get back up, so my family.
DI: What’s your favorite show on Netflix?
Hooker: “Narcos.” I love “Narcos.”
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DI: If the team had a one-on-one basketball tournament, who would win?
Hooker: Me. I would win. I’m not the tallest guy, but I can shoot.
DI: What’s your favorite pro sports team?
Hooker: Green Bay Packers.
DI: What’s your favorite hobby outside of football?
Hooker: Probably listening to music and playing video games.
DI: What’s your favorite sports memory?
Hooker: Probably all of senior year. It was a fun year. A lot of my friends were on that starting varsity team and we had a lot of fun. It was a good year.
DI: If you could eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hooker: Probably chicken and rice and gravy.
DI: If you weren’t a football player, what would you be?
Hooker: A basketball player.