Thank you for your article “Activist fights against HIV/AIDS.” I am an advocate with RESULTS and helped organize Maurine’s visit to Iowa City. I chose to volunteer with RESULTS because I am a strong believer in RESULTS’ mission: that with the right legislative action and support, we have the power to end poverty within our lifetime.
One key component to ending poverty is ending global health-care discrepancies. Under the current administration, global-health initiatives are at great risk of being scaled back or terminated altogether. This would be absolutely disastrous to millions of women and children who, like Maurine and her two sons, would be unable to access vital medical treatment without government aid. Growing up in the U.S., I have had the privilege of never once having to worry whether I would have access to comprehensive and inclusive medical care, and because of this, I have been able to be a successful student and a healthy, happy human being.
Health care is a human right, and should in no way be dependent on where you were born or who you are. This is why I am asking Sen. Chuck Grassley, Sen. Joni Ernst, and Rep. Dave Loebsack to make global health a priority and reject any cuts made to global-health and education programs.
—Sophia Schilling
UI Master’s in Studies of Law candidate