The UISG met to vote on a resolution that proposed to stand in solidarity with the #NoDAPL movement Tuesday evening. The resolution was tabled and be discussed in the future.
By Elianna Novitch
The University of Iowa Student Government met Tuesday evening to vote on a resolution that proposed the group stand in solidarity with the #NoDAPL movement.
The resolution was tabled, and UISG will discuss in the future meeting.
The resolution was proposed in order to “amplify marginalized voices at the University of Iowa and in this country, and call for the termination of the Dakota Access pipeline,” according to the written resolution document SSR10.The #NoDAPL movement is in response to the Dakota Access Pipeline, which is a crude oil pipeline stretching from North Dakota to Illinois. Many people — especially Native American communities — have expressed opposition to this pipeline because of its potential land and water damage.
Sens. Sean Finn and Jessica Owens proposed the resolution and proposed it at Tuesday’s meeting. Lots of discussion occurred on the resolution during the debate period.
Some of the topics discussed included UISG being nonpartisan, UI student opinion on the issue, and what this stance would mean for the Native American students directly affected by the pipeline.
“This issue is not only an outstanding moral issue in our nation, but it also directly affects UI students,” Finn said.
UISG will re-examine the proposal at an undecided future meeting.