Manifest confession of a Bernie or Buster
A manifest confession of having been right and praying to be able to continue to rise above it:
As a liberal-progressive Democrat I long ago got convinced, while keeping bad company with myself, that it was hardest for me to forgive and forget when I was most right and much easier to fess up and try to make amends when wrong. Regardless, in a group-think way some long-standing members of my Democratic Party don’t care to admit that they made a bad mistake in insisting on the nomination of Hillary Clinton.
Their error is akin to the backward thinking of the most reactionary of right-wing fanatics who also cannot see and thus admit that they, too, were wrong in insisting on Donald Trump.
So what do all of us Bernie or Bust folks that were on caucus night more right than wrong now do? Make the best of a bad situation by getting over having been right, muster some saintly forgiveness for our reprehensible party members who insistently nominated a Republican light, Clinton.
Work to get her elected in a landslide that can be used to restore some give-and-take that must go back-and-forth in government of the people, by the people and for the people to best serve all the people?
However, all of those that were really right on caucus night will have to do what they think is best. Let us all hope that we do not suffer someone’s pristine right so thoroughly that none of us cares at all distinguishing right from wrong in a hell on Earth. Myself, I am having a Clinton sign put up in my yard; I refuse to put it up myself, and if possible I would find some fellow Bernie or Bust folks and nice Republicans to work with to get her elected.
As for any of Clinton’s most fanatically wrong supporters at the start and still content to so be, please stay a bit out of my face, for if I were to become convinced that Clinton was totally like some of her most insistent supporters, I would not vote for her come hell and scalding water. Ouch. I wonder if scalding is one of the enhancing additions Trump is considering to make to plain old-fashioned waterboarding?
—Sam Osborne
Trump could kill more in 1 day than Iraq in 8 years
I was born in Iowa and lived on a farm before seeing the world. As a result, I predicted 9/11 on TV 10 years before 9/11.
Here is another: I predict if Donald Trump wins the presidency, America will lose more military in one day then we did in eight years in Iraq. His comments about shooting at Iran soldiers giving our Navy the finger is proof. Look up “Millennium Challenge,” a 2002 military exercise with a simulated war with Iran. We lost 16 ships plus an aircraft carrier that has a crew of 5,000. We lost 4,400 in Iraq in eight years. Do the math.
I also predict he will generate a monster recession like that in 2008 during George W. Bush’s presidency with his Bush-type tax cuts for the 1 percent and trade wars. America cannot afford a man who has built a campaign on racism and sexist remarks, hides his tax returns while saying “believe me,” brags about paying zero taxes that fund things like veterans’ care, roads, schools, and has his goods made in a dozen countries overseas, and even imports foreign labor to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. No Americans need apply. His line abou t “bring jobs” to America is just another lie. He has no plans and no clue.
He is a con man like Iowa’s “Music Man” but unlike the show, Trump only loves himself, and that is fact, not prediction. His ignorance is matched only by Gary Johnson, who doesn’t even know about Syria or names of foreign leaders.
There is only one sane choice in November: Hillary Clinton.
— Michael Fjetland