Looking to the churches
Do you realize that 1 in 4 people, which also is true of those in church pews, either have a mental illness or know someone who does? How do our pastors, church leaders, and church members relate to this increasing population?
People who have a brain disorder have a medical condition. Their brains are a central processing complex organ of their physical bodies. The problem is with their brains, not with them. Mental illnesses are a group of brain disorders that cause disturbances of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Mental illness isn’t a character flaw. Their mindsets are different because their brains are different. The key part of mental illness is in the word “illness.” The mentally ill struggle daily to function in a world whose reality is far different from their reality. It’s important to remember: They act as their brains direct, and their brains are misfiring. We would act the same way if we had an improperly working brain, so be kind, because not all disabilities are visible.
I believe in God and miracles. I believe God uses our hands, our feet, our voices, our doctors, and our therapist to help. Treatment of the mentally ill requires psychiatric care and medications as well as adequate care to stay on the medicine. I believe miracles can happen with a combination of the power of prayer and treatment.
No one chooses to have a mental illness, no more than anyone chooses to have a broken back or cancer. Would you heal a broken back or cancer with prayer and faith only? Absolutely not.
Shouldn’t our churches be their safe haven? I’d like to challenge our churches to be leaders in educating and helping to reduce the stigma involving mental illness.
Ruby Luhman