By the people, for the people
The fly in the ointment of our republican form of government is a Republican-controlled Congress that thwarts government of the people, by the people, and for the people at the behest of the hoarders of the world’s and nation’s wealth. This capacity to thwart the conduct of the important business of we the people comes of things of Congress that need be changed.
To wit: (1) the power of established wealth via massive campaign propaganda needs to be ended by the public finance of elections, which the public already funds but has the power stripped away via resources run off into the greedy hands of the few that own the Republican Party and the best politicians their money can buy. gerrymandering; (2) gerrymandering of House districts needs to be ended and members of that body either elected statewide or from districts apportioned in disregard to stacking the deck in favor of a minority; (3) the filibuster in the Senate needs to be eliminated, which currently allows a small vested interest to block the people’s business with nothing more than a threat. The fact is that the powers of the executive and judiciary have been thwarted by a Congress that keeps anything of national importance from getting done because doing so favor those that control the shadow government of them, by them, and for them in disregard and thwart of the purpose to which the nation’s founders set governance.
Sam Osborne