The Daily Iowan has reporters around Iowa City and Des Moines covering Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses.
The DI has spoken with several individuals caucusing for the first time for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders – even despite an earlier injury, in one case.
“I’m voting for Trump because my beliefs match up with his. I like the other candidates quite a bit but I march up the most with Trump’s viewpoints, such as his economic ones and his immigration policies. I disagree with a lot of Ben Carson’s viewpoints on Planned Parenthood,” said Abby Workman, 19, who is a returning caucus-goer, but is participating for the first time tonight at Petersen Hall.
Some were still considering, but had Trump narrowed down as their choice of candidate.
“I think when I vote that it will be a in-the-moment type of thing, but I have it narrowed down between Trump and Rubio. I really like what Trump has to say about defending our country and our border. I also like how Rubio presents himself and his viewpoints, he’s very well spoken and seems to know a lot about what he’s doing. Then again, Trump has had a lot of experience with politics in his lifetime,” said Blake Jans, 19, a first time caucus-goer at Petersen Hall.
“I like that he self-funds his campaign, so you know that 99 percent of what comes out of his mouth is straight from him. Even though he says blunt things, he doesn’t back down on what he says. He won’t be swayed in any direction.” said Tanner Smith, 20, first time caucus goer at Robert A. Lee Rec. Center.