According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 271,000 new jobs were created in October. The government’s report, released Nov. 6, showed the biggest wage gain since 2009. This is encouraging for a rebounding market in the United States, though some are hesitant to make a call on the strength of the economy based on one job report. Yet, Gus Faucher a senior economist at PNC Financial Services told CNN, “This is a very good report. And its not just the headline number but the fact that average hourly earnings are up.”
This could be a great sign for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. During her first run at office in 2008, the unemployment rate skyrocketed to almost 10 percent. But now, she leads the Democratic polls for president. If the Obama administration was able to make new jobs since the last election, it gives people a reason to vote for politicians like Hillary Clinton.
In the Republican debate, Gov. Chris Christie said that Clinton has too big of an economic agenda that would result in higher taxes. “The bottom line is, Hilary Clinton is coming for your wallet, everybody.” It’s true that she has big plans for the economy, but some of these will come at a cost. We will need to decide if these expenses are needed.
Republicans are having a hard time trying to back up the story that Obama was not able to help the economy or create enough economic growth. The Affordable Care Act gets called into question because it was thought to have made a negative impact on the economy. Clearly, this is not the case as it relates to job growth, because these reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics consistently show jobs are being added to the workforce. This most recent report give tons of ammunition for Clinton to help back her case for why she should be president.
This report also makes it hard for people to call into question how much the Obama administration has done. Voters can see that the economy is in better hands with Democrats rather than Republicans. The United States needs to find a way to improve our economy and not take steps backwards. Clinton has had her fair share of scandal. This is something that cannot be ignored. These issues must be talked about in order to make sure she is a fit candidate to run the country.