‘Pro-life’ in name only
Ben Carson recently called for a ban on all abortion in all circumstances, including rape, incest or the life of the mother. He argues without basis that medical alternatives are available that would save a woman’s life and that many “successful stories” exist of children born of rape and incest.
Carson is playing a dangerous political game that extends far beyond our borders. In developing countries, which rely on U.S.-funded health-care clinics, those alternatives currently don’t exist and 47,000 women and girls die from unsafe abortions every year.
It’s time we ask the tough follow up question of Carson and others who want to be our president: What is pro-life about denying women and girls the safe procedures they need to survive? When did forcing a girl who was raped by an ISIS terrorist to give birth to the terrorist’s child stop becoming immoral and start becoming pro-life?
There is a more acceptable option, and the next president of the United States needs to provide it on their first day in office.
Elizabeth Wolfe
What we’ve learned from Benghazi hearings
What has been learned about Benghazi is that the entire intent of the hearings rests on a lie — it isn’t about what Republicans have been lying that it is about. As Republican House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy let slip, it has been a strategy to bring down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers. Thus from start to no-finish Benghazi has been a fid profusely dripping from the lips of some lying Republicans attempting to paint another person as a liar as they lie in pretense that they are really interested in national security.
This is an inane twist to an old homiletic: “you’re doing as we say (lying) and not as we’re doing (lying).” And in issue of some other old bits of description, the whole pot of Republican confabulators attempt to call the kettle (little miss teapot Clinton) black and only end up making her look as pure as the driven snow, although she is just one of us fallible humans.
Republicans addled by being so far over their head in a swamp of their own hypocrisy insist on pumping out a stream of more of the same. Beyond this being a REAL BENGHAZI for the Republicans, the fact for the nation is our need to be joining together to move forward up and on to ever higher ground in the best of times for us all, thus so with a person such as Bernie Sanders as president.
However, this pack of insistent Republican liars may well get Hillary Clinton elected and she is going to be their very worst nightmare that sends them off into a reeking black lagoon full of the garbage they keep spewing. Meanwhile, entertaining any further consideration of House Republicans on the immorality of lying is akin to commiserating with the devil over the wages of sin.
Sam Osborne
Go Hawks
Just want to wish the Hawks good luck this Saturday and urge them to really focus and play their best. I think that Indiana is the last legitimate roadblock to an undefeated season so, GO HAWKS.
Mark Weimer