With the cool air of fall taking over, there is definitely no drink that will warm you up more than Kelly’s Gasoline. Be warned, this drink is not for the faint of heart.
Experience: This drink is simple but strong. A ton of ice is added to a cocktail shaker, plus two ounces of white rum and about three quarters of an ounce of sweet vermouth. Then it’s poured over the rocks — to mellow out the flavor and to not water down the drink — in either a cocktail glass or just a simple Old Fashion glass. With a sort of peppery taste, this drink is unique to its core.
Advice: As I’ve probably beaten into everyone’s head right now, this drink is strong. If you are not ready to take on the monster of this drink, then don’t worry; it can be taken as a shot. You can get the warmth of this drink all in one gulp.