Primary alcohol: Tequila & Grand Marnier
Serving size: 6- to 8-ounce stemmed glass
This drink is the perfect combination of delicious and sensual flavors in combination with tequila and a bitter orange liqueur. The cocktail consists of cranberry and lime juice, but we all know that passion comes from tequila and the kick from the orange flavor of the Grand Marnier.
This drink may have a fruity appearance, but it is more than adequate for a drink to engage in conversation with.
Appearance: A light and pale pink color that deceptively hides the strength of this shaken mixer. Generally served with a lime wedge garnish.
Taste: Lime to balance the tequila, cranberry to blend with the Grand Marnier, you can still taste the two alcoholic ingredients, but they are seductively subtle.
Advice: Order at a cocktail bar, not a sports bar, and be careful of running up a tab. Grand Marnier and tequila aren’t going to agree with your wallet as much as you might hope.
— by Ben Verhille